Friday, December 31, 2010

Ending 2010

Well on New Year’s Eve, I do NOT usually reflect back over the year…new years/new year’s eve has never really been that big of a deal to me.  Today, as I was conducting a HUGE (early) spring cleaning in our house, I was thinking about this year.  It has been a big year for us and it really irritated me that I was just going to let the year come to end without at least acknowledging all that has happened (good and bad). 

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Matt (and his business partner, Chris Barr) founded a new CPA firm, Barr & Woodard, LLC. 
  • I was pregnant for the first 6 months of the year.
  • I was put on bedrest (and couldn’t work) from March-on.
  • I gave birth (by C-Section) to a beautiful baby boy, Campbell Clayton Woodard.
  • I resigned from my position as Pre-Kindergarten teacher at Cedar Creek to become a Stay-at-home mom!  Something I have wanted to do ALL my life!
  • We gave Trouble (my dog of 14 years) away because of biting and other reasons. 
  • Trouble died shortly after we gave her away.
  • Matt started and finished the humongous playset for the boys.
  • My first born son, Trigger, had his SECOND birthday on July 29, 2010.
  • My dad threw out the first pitch at an Astros baseball game (Campbell’s first trip at 7 weeks).
  • My grandfather, M.L. “Tinker” Hood, lost his battle with Alzheimer's in October.
  • Matt and I had our first trip away without our children.
  • We built a shop to hold all of our tools, equipment, teaching stuff, etc.

There are so many more things that have happened this year…those are just the big ones that stick out in my mind.  We have definitely had some ups and downs; however, we are so thankful for ALL our many blessings that God has given us this year!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year’s!  I can’t wait to see what 2011 holds for me, Matt, Trigger, and Campbell!

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