Saturday, December 11, 2010

More Playset FUN!

I don’t have much to say on this post EXCEPT that Trigger is LOVING the playset…Trigger- outside time with Momma 130

Trigger- outside time with Momma 132

Trigger- outside time with Momma 133

Trigger- outside time with Momma 145

Trigger- outside time with Momma 155Trigger- outside time with Momma 160

Trigger- outside time with Momma 170

On the days that Trigger is home with me, I always try to spend a little quality time with just him.  Usually Trigger wakes up from  his nap before Campbell does…and when this happens, I like to walk down to the mailbox to check the mail with Trigger.  He LOVES to get the “paper” and then we walk across together to get the mail.  It’s not that long of a walk down our driveway but it’s just enough to give us a little time to talk!  I love these little moments that we share together!

Trigger- outside time with Momma 097 Trigger- outside time with Momma 101 If we have time after getting the mail, we will go back to playset to play some more! 

Trigger- outside time with Momma 109 Trigger- outside time with Momma 112 Trigger- outside time with Momma 113 Trigger- outside time with Momma 115 Trigger- outside time with Momma 121 And for some reason (I think it has to do with laziness), he LOVES to swing in the baby swing!

Trigger- outside time with Momma 125 Trigger- outside time with Momma 127

1 comment:

Heather Patterson said...

um, we are coming over ASAP! I LOVE the playset! :)