Monday, December 27, 2010

My sweet boys

These two boys are sooo precious to me…however, they will NOT cooperate to get a good picture!!!  I tried to have a little photo op a couple of weeks ago…the boys were dressed for church so it was the PERFECT time.  yeah..not so much!  They were not loving the camera! 

Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1097 Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1100 And those were the best!  Then, Trigger got a little…well…I guess we could say that his pep in his step got peppier!

Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1112 Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1115 Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1117 I really wanting both of the boys smiling so I started singing a fun song thinking that would get Campbell smiling…well…Campbell just looked at me like I was stupid and Trigger started dancing…GREAT!

Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1127 Doesn’t he look angelic in this picture!

Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1130 Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1135 And an attempt with me in the picture…

Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1146 Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1149 Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1150 Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1155 Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1159 Annnndddd, maybe we were pushing our luck but I took a few of Matt with the boys!

Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1165He’s (Trigger) is such a goof ball!

Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1185  Oh…and one of Trigger’s little antics…He got into my makeup a few weeks ago…this is how I found him!  He loves my makeup…he pretends like my clinque eyeshadow are phones.  I have to constantly remind him that makeup is for girls NOT FOR BOYS!!!  You know…I just don’t want any gender confusion! ;)

Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1092 Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1094 Trigger and Campbell- christmas 1096 He wasn’t excited about taking those pictures…guess he was embarrassed?!?!

One more thing that Trigger did today, Matt and i were going through the playroom and pulling toys to take to rolling hills.  I heard Trigger saying “I can’t do it…I can’t do it”  I walked into the dining room to see what he was talking about.  He said something about my car.  I looked and he had my keys.  His finger was on our “panic” button on my alarm key chain thingy.  I didn’t think much of it because the alarm didn’t go off so I assumed that he didn’t push it hard enough.  Well, I was STILL rearranging things in the playroom when I see someone at the front door.  I tell Matt to go answer it…YEP, a police officer was at our front door.  APPARENTLY, the “panic” button on my key chain is a SILENT alarm sent right to the sheriff’s office.  GREAT!!  JUST GREAT!!!  Soooo…I will need to find an even higher place for my keys…maybe in the attic…oh wait, NOPE, can’t do that because my child has been known to scale the attic stairs IN HIS RUBBER boots and “B” in hand…hmmm…I’m really going to have to think this through!

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