Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Attempt #2 at a Christmas Photo

A couple of weekends ago I decided to take some pictures of the boys…I wanted to see if I could get a good picture for our Christmas card.  HAHAHAHA!!!!  First, Trigger wanted to wear that scarf…it happens to be “Jim” the Build-a-Bear Reindeer’s scarf…thankfully, it sortof coordinated BUT a little too much!  Let’s just say that I am NOT using any photos from this photo shoot for our card.  Our cards should come in the mail tomorrow.  We had the same guy do them that has done our cards/announcements for awhile now.  I love how easy he is to work with…and I also love using the same person over and over again…it makes me feel all loyal and warm and fuzzy.  :)

Here are the best of the shoot!

Christmas Card attempt #2 006 Love how Trigger is so happy and Campbell is pouting…it’s usually the other way around!

Christmas Card attempt #2 010 Trigger thinks that when I take pictures of him and Campbell, that he needs to kiss his head.  We started that the first couple of times I took pictures of them and it has stuck!~

Christmas Card attempt #2 015 Christmas Card attempt #2 023 Christmas Card attempt #2 033 Christmas Card attempt #2 055 And the bribe of a cookie only went so far with Trigger, and the meltdown started!!!

Christmas Card attempt #2 104 Christmas Card attempt #2 113 Christmas Card attempt #2 127 Christmas Card attempt #2 129 Trigger playing peek-a-boo with Campbell.

Christmas Card attempt #2 139 Then he remembered that he had a zipper

Christmas Card attempt #2 141 And then he remembered that he had a scarf AND a little brother

Christmas Card attempt #2 149 Christmas Card attempt #2 150 Annnnnd the photo shoot was over!  Trigger was asking for his cookie, Campbell was irritated by his brother, and on and on and on…so Mr. Independent took  his scarf and headed for the door.

Christmas Card attempt #2 151

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