Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Lights

We have been trying to cram in every fun, Christmasy thing that we can.  Saturday night we took the boys to look at Christmas lights.  Trigger was excited about seeing the lights…and he LOVED all the blow-ups of Frosty and Santa!!! 

Here is Trigger riding around…

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 127 We went to my friend, Jennifer’s house to see all of her blow-ups.  She came out to talk to us…so we let Trigger get out and look at the blow-ups.  He was sooo excited!!!

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 128 Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 129 Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 130

He had to give baby Jesus a kiss (or as he says it “Piss”).

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 131 When we got back home, Campbell was OUT!!!

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 133 I was glad we took Trigger..I really wasn’t sure if he would like it but he did!!!

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