Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Santa cookies AND The night before Christmas

When we got home from the Woodard’s house on Christmas Eve, it was rather late (for our children) and Campbell seriously needed to be fed and put down.  Before that happened, we had to put out cookies and milk for Santa. 

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And, we HAD to read “The Night Before Christmas”.  (BTW, Campbell does NOT have on his Christmas pjs to sleep in because I wanted him to wear them on Christmas morning and little mr. Campbell has a habit of tee-teeing out of his diaper so we didn’t want that to happen in his special pjs!)

Christmas 2010 281This the SAME exact book that my dad read to me when I was little…it even has my name in it (that my mom wrote when I was little).  I love that Matt is now using it to read to our children.Christmas 2010 280Christmas 2010 283Campbell didn’t make it through the whole book…just a few pages.  Do you see which fingers he is using..that would be his right hand and his first two fingers…which means it is SERIOUSLY time for sleep!!!!  Bless his little heart (and Trigger’s)…they are still recovering…these boys need their sleep.

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