Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our NEW stroller this is absolutely pathetic that I am writing a post about our new stroller…in fact, it SCREAMS motherhood and a boring life.  BUT, I’m here to tell you that I expect great things will come now that I own a double stroller…SHOPPING trips will be a breeze now.  HAHAHA!  Ok…so really I don’t think they will be a breeze but it will be ALOT easier to stroll both boys that to chase Trigger will strolling Campbell OR holding Campbell while pushing Trigger OR taking two strollers.  To me, it’s a necessity! 

So, without further adieu, here it it…the stroller that is going to CHANGE MY LIFE!

Thanksgiving and Campbell 014

What’s that you say?  You want to see a side view…we’ll it just so happens that I have a side view picture available for your viewing pleasure (PRAISE THE LORD the doors were shut to the playroom).   Thanksgiving and Campbell 015 Okay…so let me explain…well first, I have NO explanation for what those two boys are wearing…I’m assuming there were several wardrobe changes for both throughout the day OF STAYING HOME AND GOING NO WHERE…or maybe their daddy dressed them!  either way, i do not approve! :) …so anyway, As I was putting the stroller together and Matt was doing some decorating for Christmas, Trigger was “helping” me, and I was trying to make a really big deal about how great the stroller was…you know, so he’d feel special riding in it!  I showed him how there was a place for snack and a place for a cup…so after I finished, Matt called me into the foyer.  Trigger had crawled up into the stroller.  He apparently was very excited about the new purchase.  Then, he demanded that he have a snack and some water for the empty cup holder and tray!  And, well, since I was taking pictures, I decided to put Campbell in the stroller too!

Be on the lookout because more exhilarating posts just like this one will be coming your way soon!  HA!

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