Thursday, December 30, 2010

Our Clean Entertainment

I’m not sure if I have mentioned this but Trigger really likes to take showers now.  And, since I am a resourceful, smart momma, I usually mention to him about taking a shower in the morning while I am in need of getting ready for the day….which is usually while Campbell is down for his morning nap.  If he agrees to take a shower, I can hop in get my shower and then he stays in there while I dry my hair and put on makeup…sometimes he won’t stay that long but any little second that I have him contained is NICE!  I took a few pictures of him this morning.

Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 008

Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 009Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 011Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 014

He likes to peep out the door and say “hey, Momma!” 

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