Thursday, December 2, 2010

Big Brothers

Big brothers are there to show you the ropes…and teach you all kinds of fun stuff!  Trigger has definitely hopped right on into that roll!  The other day I was in the kitchen cleaning and overheard Trigger talking to Campbell.  When I looked to see what he was doing, this is what I saw…Trigger was teaching Campbell how to use his toy.  Trigger had Campbell’s  hand and was showing how to push the button.  It was the SWEETEST thing!!!

Trigger and Campbell in Laundry basket 081 Trigger and Campbell in Laundry basket 085 And then Trigger decided he would share his hat too…which is a big deal!!!

Trigger and Campbell in Laundry basket 090 Afterwards, Trigger read a book to Campbell!

Trigger and Campbell in Laundry basket 093 I love these moments when Trigger is being so sweet to Campbell!!!  I know these two are going to be BEST FRIENDS!!!!

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