Monday, December 6, 2010

Daddy Time

Matt is such a good daddy!  He walks into the door to absolute chaos each and every day!  He grabs a child and runs with it EVERY single day and I am soooo thankful for the moment he steps through that door.  Trigger and Campbell adore their daddy!  Trigger loves to wrestle with Matt in the evenings…and lately, he LOVES to play hide and seek after we are done with supper.  Campbell just loves for his daddy to hold him…Campbell is a snuggler and LOVES, LOVES to be held!!! 

ANother thing Matt is really good at…which is not normal for a dad…is that he is constantly teaching Trigger…He counts with him, helps him recognize colors, etc.  Matt also reads to both of the boys!!! 

Trigger- outside time with Momma 188 Trigger- outside time with Momma 192 Reading is sooo wonderful for children and I am so thankful that Trigger LOVES to read!  Matt puts Trigger down every night and I put Campbell down.  I hate that I don’t get to spend that time with Trigger at night but for now, it’s what works since they both go to bed at the same time…and Matt can’t feed Campbell! Ha!!  Mr. Independent likes to read himself…which I think is great!  He holds the book and “reads” (has parts memorized on each page).  I think it’s amazing how much he picks up on in the books he reads!  To be such a rambunctious boy, it’s odd…but I find him about once a day in front of his bookcase reading books!  I LOVE it..because I love to read when I have time.  I hope Campbell develops a love for reading too! 

Oh and here is a couple of pictures of Trigger hiding and waiting on his daddy to find him.

Trigger- outside time with Momma 184 Trigger- outside time with Momma 185 So precious!

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