Sunday, December 5, 2010

From my iphone

I just downloaded an app so I can blog from my phone and not from my bulky computer...let's see if this works!
Here's my sweet boy...ready for school a few weeks ago! Love what he has on! He's getting so big. In fact, this morning I dressed him in a nativity smocked jonjon and realized that this is it. We will finish out the winter and then move on to pants and button ups. Typing that makes me want to just cry. Where has my baby gone to...wasn't it just yesterday that he was that little 4lb baby craddled in my arms. I just don't understand how time moves this fast. It stresses me I doing the right things, am I taking time to enjoy the everyday moments, etc. I just want to freeze time bc these days with this age children is just PErFECT. I feel like I do when I read a good book and get to the half way mark. I start to get a little depressed bc I don't want to come to the end...thats how I feel with our children. I dont want them to grow up!
Whew...didn't mean to get off on that. Anyway, Campbell and I are at home while matt and trigger are at church. I took Campbell to the dr last minute we checked in at 10:57 and they close at 11...yep, I'm now one of THOSE people. Anyway, campbell went to the dr about two weeks ago for congestion and he told us that it was just a virus that would last 7-10 days. Well it's been over 10 and he's still not better and is actually worse. Soooo...I took him and he has and ear infection in his left ear...and maybe the right. She couldn't tell his right bc of ear wax and since she was giving him an antibiotic for the left one, there was no need to do the ear wash! Sooo...campbell is napping, I'm playing with my new app and not using my time wisely so I guess I will go get ready for the day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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