Thursday, December 30, 2010

Campbell Woodard

Here’s a few photos that Matt and I took of Campbell while Trigger was napping the other day.  I was trying to figure out how to take pictures with my digital SLR with the flash OFF…I mean I know how to do that but it only turns out good if the subject is absolutely perfectly still…otherwise the picture is blurry…why is this…does anyone know and are there ways I can change the shutter speed…I’m not even sure if that is what is the problem.  Anyway, I had to end up deleting about half of the pictures we took because of blurrines.  I really want to figure this out because I LOVE natural lighting with NO flash…the pictures are so much warmer!

Here are the best ones…

Campbell- 12-27-10 001Campbell- 12-27-10 005Campbell- 12-27-10 011Campbell- 12-27-10 015Campbell- 12-27-10 027Campbell- 12-27-10 039Campbell- 12-27-10 044Campbell- 12-27-10 059Campbell- 12-27-10 061Campbell- 12-27-10 073Campbell- 12-27-10 091Campbell- 12-27-10 093Campbell- 12-27-10 096Campbell- 12-27-10 106Campbell- 12-27-10 109Campbell- 12-27-10 119Campbell- 12-27-10 127Campbell- 12-27-10 158Campbell- 12-27-10 169Campbell- 12-27-10 177

Im not sure which one yet, but I am almost positive that I will be blowing one of these up on a canvas to hang in my bathroom!  Oh how I love canvas pictures.  It probably looks like a Trigger and Campbell museum in my house!  Oh well!!!

1 comment:

jessie said...

if you figure this out let me know! i HAVE to use the flash inside or the pics are terrible!