Sunday, December 19, 2010

It’s COOKIE making time!!!

Soooo, I had this GRAND idea one day…so I called Liz up, “hey, why don’t you bring Sydney over on Friday and she can make cookies with Trigger.”  I was kind of wandering what I had been smoking when I had that thought…BUT, it actually went VERY well!  Trigger had a BLAST, of course! 

Here are the cousins waiting oh so patiently…haha!!

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 002 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 003 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 004 TIME TO START:  I got the *homemade* dough out of the fridge…actually, because I am ALWAYS looking for easier and faster ways to do things with limited time that I have, I decided to try pilsbury’s already made sugar cookie dough.  I added some flour and mixed it in and they WERE FANTASTIC!!! 

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 006 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 007 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 011

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 016

And it didn’t take long before Trigger realized that the dough tasted REALLY YUMMY!  and after that, there was little rolling and ALOT of tasting!

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 013 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 014 See the evidence on his face…

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 017Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 018 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 020

And then Liz and I lost all control and they were shoveling dough in their mouth!  That was the end of the cookie making! :) Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 025 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 026 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 029 So while the cookies were baking, Sydney and Trigger played.  I heard some commotion so I went to see what was going on…this is what I found…

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 087 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 089 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 090 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 092 Soooo…my teacher voice came out, “okay…either you two get along and play with it together OR I’m taking it away”…guess what, there was not a peep made out of either of them and I took this picture a SECOND later!

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 096 And this one was taken a second after that and it is THE BEST PICTURE!!!  It just screams pure JOY!!!!

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 097 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 107

Beautiful girl! Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 112 After a little playing, it was time for a little work.  I had had Trigger paint a reindeer for our house a few days before so I thought I would get Sydney to paint one too!  Trigger made a second one for Matt to take to his office!

Waiting patiently…

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 030 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 037 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 041 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 044 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 051 Trigger got a little bored…

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 052 By this point the cookies were ready to decorate.  Again, Trigger quickly discovered how good the icing tasted and he licked, licked, and licked his knife and then devoured his cookie.

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 053Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 054 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 055  Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 058 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 062 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 063 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 076 I thought Trigger just looked like a little angel standing there in that big white shirt.

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 086 We ended the day with a little storytime with Zizzy!!

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 113 and I took a few pictures of Campbell…it may seem like he was neglected from the lack of pictures of him in this post but believe me, he was loved on the WHOLE entire morning!!!  This was Trigger’s outfit from his first Christmas.  Trigger filled it out a little better..and Campbell almost can’t wear it because he sooo long.  Funny how they are built totally different!

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 116

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 127

This is what I was referring to in C’s 6 month post…he always does this with his thumb with his other fingers in the air. 

Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 131 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 142 Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 146 And guess who wouldn’t cooperate for a quick picture?!?!Sydney and Trigger- making cookies 150 So, it was a FANTASTIC morning…Trigger and Sydney had a BLAST!!!  I’m so glad that we did that…and maybe we can do it every year!

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