Friday, December 17, 2010

Campbell’s Check-up and Being Sick AND LOW MILK!

We went to see Dr. Slusher this last Wednesday for Campbell’s 6 month check-up.  I just love taking the boys for their check-ups because I like having them weighed and measured AND I get to ask all my questions!  This appointment had been pushed back because Trigger had an ear infection a few days before his original appointment.  Dr. Slusher wanted to wait a week so she could check his ears.  Oh yeah..that was one thing I forgot to add on the previous post…Campbell had his first ear infection at 6 months and was on his first antibiotic of Amoxil. 

At this appointment, I was NOT all there.  Matt and I (and kids) and gone to a Christmas thing at Matt’s parent’s church Sunday night…we ate and had a little program.  Well, apparently, we ate something bad because we got very sick Monday evening-Tuesday.  So, on Wednesday I was still pretty weak and I had both boys at the dr.s office.  I didn’t get to ask the questions like I usually do! 

Campbell's 6 month check-up

Anyway, here are Campbell’s stats:

Weight: 16 lbs (20th percentile)

              27 inches (65th percentile)

              16.75 inches (14th percentile)

So far, he is a long, skinny boy!  We will see how long that lasts…haha!!  His ears looked perfect which meant that the antibiotic worked!  YAY!  He passed all of his tests (transferring objects from one hand to the other, head in line when pulled up, sitting up, etc.).  While we were there, Campbell got his immunizations…SIX in all.  One was oral and then FOUR shots.  I am really not that bothered by my babies getting shots.  I know it’s for their own good and they forget immediately!  NOW, Trigger’s age is another story…NOT FUN!  Campbell was a BRAVE boy…he didn’t even cry at all with the first shot, whimpered on the second, and cried for the third and fourth.  As soon as she took the needle out of the last shot, he shut off the crying…and that was IT!  WOW!!!!  The experience could NOT have been better.  Actually, i think Trigger was more disturbed by the shots than Campbell was.  As soon as the nurse walked in, Trigger started saying “no, no, shots”.  Then,  he had the most concerned look the whole time!  Trigger checked on his little brother when it was all done…gave him and kiss and a hug to make him feel better!

Campbell's 6 month check-up- Trigger Campbell's 6 month check-up shots Let me go back a second…when we were sick, Liz came to pick up the boys for the day so we could try to rest and STOP throwing up. :) Then, around 3, we decided we need to try to get the house clean and sterilized before the boys came home.  I was so scare that they were going to get sick too (bc at the time we thought it was the stomach bug).  Soooo, I got all Trigger’s little toys out of the playroom and sterilized them.  NOT FUN!!! 

Sterlizing toys While Campbell was gone to Liz’s for the day, I pumped (while laying down…that was interesting) and Liz fed Campbell a bottle (the first one he has had in over a month).  Wednesday morning I woke up with almost NO milk.  Those of you that know me or read this blog know that I am like a dairy cow.  With Trigger, I pumped exclusively and put away 60 ounces a day…With Campbell, i am breastfeeding and pumping twice a day (morning and night) and freezing 20 ounces a day.  Soooo, I was shocked when my milk was so low.  I am working  hard to get my milk back up…in fact, tonight I am going to wake up every three hours to pump!  YUCK!  And I am also taking some supplements.  This is sooo annoying because I JUST NOW got Campbell to breastfeed exclusively and NOW I have a milk problem.  Anyway, hopefully I can get it back up enough to feed Campbell without him being frustrated or starving.

Back to Campbell being 6 months, I am so sad that my baby is growing up so fast.  Since he’s getting older, it’s making me think “hmmm, I might want another.”  HAVE I LOST MY MIND?!?!  I can’t handle another child!  Truthfully, I think I will feel that longing no matter how many children I have…I just think that I don’t want to ever NOT have a baby in my arms!!!!  There is something SOOO special about babies!  Speaking of, I better go check on him…I love peeping in on him while he’s asleep!

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