Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Morning- 2010

Okay…I just have to start with saying that this year was way more fun than last year!!!!  Trigger gets the whole Santa thing…he has been asking for a tractor and trailer for awhile now…and a couple of weeks ago, he decided that Santa would bring him a firetruck too…that was not really in Santa’s plan but Santa made it happen because that’s what Santa does, right?

On Christmas Eve (after we put the boys down…and Campbell did his screaming, throwing body backwards fit throwing), Matt and I had to go out to the shop to put together Trigger’s tractor and trailer…and let me say that there were directions that were forever long and they were divided (the written directions were on one set and the pictures were on the other set)….please tell me why they couldn’t put them together?!?!  AND, I want to know why they can’t put the stickers on the plastic parts because the stickers are MY job and I got so frustrated that they weren’t perfectly straight that I wanted to kick that dang tractor across the room.  Yep, I have selective (because not everything bothers me) TYPE A personality.  We got the tractor done and then we had to put everything out in an organized fashion and do stockings…I think I went to bed around 1:30 which I didn’t think was too bad.  Oh and since this is the first year that Trigger really understands, we decided we need to set limits on gifts or decide how we were going to do things.  We have friends that do the three gifts from Santa thing because the three wisemen brought three gifts to Jesus so that’s what we decided to do….and of course they will get a stocking and gifts from us…and next  year we will limit the gifts from us a little more because I think Trigger ended up getting 10 gifts from us…and most of those had more than one item in the box…soooo I went a little overboard! :)  Here are the pictures I took after we got finished setting everything out.

Trigger’s Santa gifts (Tractor/trailer, firetruck, and toy story tent)

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Campbell’s Santa Gifts (Learning Table, Water mat, and Pottery Barn backpack and lunchbox)…please let me explain these gifts.  First, we should NOT have had to buy that table…Trigger had the exact same one BUT for some reason when we put up Trigger’s baby toys, they didn’t make it into the attic…they were either taken to Rolling Hills OR to the trash.  Anyway, we had to RE-buy that table. :(  Then, that water mat…I had a friend that had a little sister that had one of these when she was a baby…I had NO idea they still made them.  I thought it was the coolest thing.  Anyway, I thought Campbell HAD to have it.  Then, the backpack…trigger has the same backpack and lunchbox but in Navy.  I wanted this brown one for Campbell…I will start using it instead of an actually diaper bag at some point.  It’s actually a lot easier to carry a backpack around than it is a diaper bag…but not as cute, so I will wait awhile!  I had to go ahead and get the lunchbox because he’ll need it when he starts MDO…if I let him! Ha!!  and I didn’t want them to discontinue the brown before he starts!

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I went ahead a took a picture of our tree in our den because I knew things would be too hectic in the morning.  This is where we keep our presents.  Everyone else’s (my parents, grandparents, cousins, etc.) presents stay under our tree in our bedroom.  I do that so on Christmas morning, we don’t have to fish through everyone else’s presents…we open everything under our tree…Make sense?

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My wrapping this year is a little different than in years past.  I have a toddler and a baby…I need quick and easy and cute.  AND I need easy travel because we already have to take a million things with us everywhere we go…so this was my solution.  I chose three different (coordinating) wrapping paper…and then instead of bows and ribbon, I used yarn this year!!!!  I’m not sure I will ever go back…I loved it…it was so easy and travel friendly…and Trigger didn’t mess with it!  Matt made fun of me and we had lots of good laughs about how we wouldn’t have anyone break into our house because a robber would look in and think “well it looks like a 90 year old lady lives here…those must be sweaters in those packages” and pass us up.    Oh and I numbered the boys presents because they had a lot of coordinating things so I wanted them to open them together…why? I don’t know because neither of them cared!

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These were our tags…I have this stamp that I bought one of the first Christmases after we got married.  I use it EVERY year.  I LOVE IT…

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Both of the boys slept until 7:40 because they were so tired from the two late nights.  They actually woke up at the same time so I went to get Campbell and took him back to our room and changed his clothes and fed him.  Matt got Trigger and hid his eyes so he wouldn’t see his Santa gifts.  After Matt got all cameras set up, the sausage balls in the oven, fire on, music playing, and I was done feeding Campbell, we got to walk into the den to see what Santa brought.  (please excuse my horrible wardrobe and no makeup…it’s Christmas morning so it didn’t matter)

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Trigger was sooo excited about his tractor!!!

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Then, Trigger found Tyrone…it was love at first sight…he has carried that thing around everywhere.  I guess we should’ve named Campbell, Campbell Tyrone…so then both boys couldve been CTW.  HAHA!Christmas 2010 313Okay…how great is this…completely UNSAFE!  but oh sooo cute.  Don’t worry, I was RIGHT there beside Campbell the whole time!

Christmas 2010 316Look who got to ride in the front seat!  Tyrone!Christmas 2010 318Christmas 2010 322Christmas 2010 324And the firetruck that Trigger insisted that Santa was bringing!Christmas 2010 327Christmas 2010 331Trigger loves his Woody too!Christmas 2010 336Campbell with this water mat!Christmas 2010 338Trigger in his Woody tent/tunnel.Christmas 2010 343Christmas 2010 345Campbell and his toys.Christmas 2010 349Trigger “opening” his stocking…of course he got some ORANGE sunglasses because who doesn’t need 212 pairs of shades! :)Christmas 2010 356Trigger’s “Glubs”Christmas 2010 363Christmas 2010 371 And of course all GREAT BIG brothers help their little brothers get their stuff out of their stocking!
Christmas 2010 376Christmas 2010 384Present opening time!Christmas 2010 399Christmas 2010 404Christmas 2010 409Christmas 2010 415And what is Christmas without a baby eating some paper?!?!Christmas 2010 417Super hero cape and mask…oh so cute!Christmas 2010 432A Louisiana Tech belt JUST LIKE DADDYS!!!  Of course we had to put that on RIGHT AWAY…then he felt like Tyrone needed to wear it!Christmas 2010 440Christmas 2010 449

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Trigger also got two trucks with trailers (are you seeing a pattern…lots of trucks/tractors and TRAILERS).  The trailer on the right carries cows! :)Christmas 2010 470Trigger had to go check to make sure Santa ate his cookies and drank his milk.Christmas 2010 471Then, Momma and Daddy opened presents.  This present below was to Matt from the boys.  It was a VERY last minute idea that turned out to be THE cutest thing EVER!Christmas 2010 472Christmas 2010 475On the left is Trigger’s handprint and on the right is Campbell’s footprint…they are mallard ducks.  Oh and the head’s are Trigger’s thumbprints.  And, Trigger painted the water!  I thought it was absolutely ADORABLE.  It’s proudly displayed at Matt’s office right now!Christmas 2010 476This wasn’t really a surprise to me but I got my blog printed out into books for 2008 and 2009…and I will get my 2010 one printed at the end of this week.  This was hilarious (below) because I thought I had deleted the “dedication” page.  “To Bloggers Everywhere” was the default dedication.  Apparently, I had NOT deleted it… 2008 blog book is dedicated to ALL OF YOU…hahaha…how corny…who does that?!?!Christmas 2010 481Matt got me this reflector disk to use with my camera…when I opened it up, it popped open and hit me in my mouth…I’m so spastic!Christmas 2010 492Look at to precious boy!!!!Christmas 2010 497After present opening, it was time to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY because we didn’t have to go anywhere until that night!  YAY!!!  Trigger helped stack the cups…then was showing Campbell how to knock them over.Christmas 2010 501Christmas 2010 502What a sweet big brother…he let Campbell get in the front with him…haha…do either of them look happy about this arrangement…NOPE!Christmas 2010 514Christmas 2010 518With a little encouragement, Trigger let Campbell have a turn sitting there by himself.Christmas 2010 524Christmas 2010 525Daddy, Liz, and Aunt Deanna came over to see what Santa brought the boys…Deanna just had to try out the tunnel…Trigger told her that she was “too big” but she proved him wrong!Christmas 2010 527He had a wardrobe change because he got these woody pjs as a present!Christmas 2010 529Campbell LOVES, LOVES his Aunt Deanna!Christmas 2010 532And this might be his favorite gift of ALL…Zizzy and Poppy gave him a “buggy” (grocery cart)  It looks like a real one and is sturdy just like a real one but it’s just shrunken down for kids.  Isn’t it adorable!Christmas 2010 534Christmas 2010 538 And, check out the MESS and toys behind Trigger in this picture..this is actually pretty cleaned up from what it was like…Ahhhhh…You just gotta love Christmas toy opening and trash! :)

We did have a GREAT Christmas morning and the boys got soooo many nice things.  Hopefully all of these new toys will keep them entertained for months!  What are the chances?

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