Sunday, December 19, 2010

MDO Pajama Day

Trigger had pajama day at school a couple of weeks ago.  I let him wear his Christmas pjs that match Campbells.  He was not overly thrilled about taking pictures.  He was ready to GO!  I love these pjs.  I got them from Hannah Anderson.  Actually, all the Hood great grandsons (Trigger, Campbell, Reid, Josiah, Andrew, and Brannon) ordered them to wear at my grandparents on Christmas night.  The great granddaughters got something to coordinate…hopefully we can get a good picture of all of them. 

This is his “i’m not so thrilled about this” look.

Campbell's Chair and Trigger's PJ day 044 Then, he lightened up when I told him that he would not be getting in the car and going to school until he smiled! ;) Don’t you just love motherhood!

Campbell's Chair and Trigger's PJ day 042 I decided that I need some in front of the tree…and Trigger found a trailer in tree..he was excited about that since we had looked everywhere for that dang trailer the afternoon before…who wouldve thought that it would be IN the Christmas tree. :)   I wonder how it got there?!?!

Campbell's Chair and Trigger's PJ day 045 Campbell's Chair and Trigger's PJ day 057 Campbell's Chair and Trigger's PJ day 058 Soooo…guess what?!?!  He got to go to school!  Glad he smiled!  WHEW…that was close!  Haha!

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