Monday, December 27, 2010

Uncle Lance, Santa cookies, and little manipulator!

Uncle Lance is in town for a few weeks.  He has some time off from school for Christmas.  He came over to play with Trigger last week.  Trigger was soooo excited.  He loves all his Aunts (Jennifer, Karen, “Nana” which is Deanna, and “bana” which is Vanna) and Uncles (Clay, Lance, Will, and “Ses” which is Seth).  We are very blessed with a big family!!! 

When Lance came over, Trigger immediately wanted to go outside.  I love these pictures of Trigger and Uncle Lance.

Christmas 2010 004 Christmas 2010 005 I realize that Trigger looks silly in that baby swing but he INSISTS on getting in that one…and so does Sydney…maybe it’s comfortable and relaxing.  I kindof think I’d like a big chair swing myself! :)

Last week, Trigger and I had to make some cookies to leave out for Santa.  I had sugar cookie (pre-made pilsbury) dough leftover from when Sydney came over to make cookies so I decided to use it.  My idea was that i would make circles of different sizes, dip a corner/side in chocolate, and put Christmas sprinkles on the chocolate.

Trigger started out being my helper.  Well, I was trying to make alot of them (because I had intended on taking some to my grandparents for Christmas) in a short amount of time….Trigger was making a HUGE mess and eating too much dough and I was on a time crunch because Campbell was napping sooooo he was banished from the kitchen and told to go to his playroom.  That probably wasn’t exactly the right attitude but I’m not a perfect parent!

Christmas 2010 006 Christmas 2010 008 Christmas 2010 012 Christmas 2010 014 Christmas 2010 015 Christmas 2010 018 I think they turned out pretty cute…and Santa must’ve loved them because he ate them all! :)

Christmas 2010 019 Okay…now on to my little manipulator: Campbell.  That’s right…you read that name right.  I typed “CAMPBELL”.  Campbell is a little attached to me…he’s okay with other people but really prefers to have me in his sight.  I think it’s kind of sweet.  HOWEVER, I can’t really get much done.  If he’s really in a happy mood and not tired, he usually okay to play on his own or be with someone else!  I do have to say that he LOVES my sister!  She has held him alot over the last few days and he is completely content with her…even when he’s tired.  In fact, she came over on Christmas day and held him…he fell asleep in her arms and she put him down for a nap.  WOW!!!  Anyway, Campbell has gotten pretty theatrical about his whines and cries.  If I walk past him and don’t pick him up, you might as well cut his arm or leg off because the crying is about the same.  Here are some of the ways he contorts his face to get his displeasure across to us!

Christmas 2010 023Christmas 2010 024 Christmas 2010 025 Christmas 2010 027 Christmas 2010 028 this is my favorite…

Christmas 2010 029 is that picture above just not the most pitiful thing EVER!!!!

Christmas 2010 030 Christmas 2010 031 Christmas 2010 032 BTW, I did pick him up right after I took that last picture…I love that little manipulator!!! 

1 comment:

jessie said...

i'm glad you admit you're not a perfect parent. i had a rough night tonight and needed some reassurance!! thanks!

and those faces of campbell....poor thing! pick him up! that's precious!