Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas- Mt. Mariah

We always go to Matt’s parent’s church to see Santa at Christmas time.  First, we eat.  Then, we have a short program…AND THEN, the big man (SANTA) shows up.  He always has a bag of presents.  Santa calls out each child’s name and they walk down to Santa and sit in his lap to get their gift and to tell Santa what they want him to bring.  Honestly, this whole night is a blur because Matt and I (and my niece and nephew) ate something bad while we were there AND got sick (THROWING UP) the next day.  YUCK!!!

Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 010Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 011 Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 016 Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 019 Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 025

Anyway, Trigger did so good with Santa.  I really thought he was going to flip out…we all remember last year.

December 2009- Mt Mariah 509 This year was a TOTALLY different story!  He wanted to talk to Santa!!!!

Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 026 Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 027 Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 028 Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 033 I was so proud of Campbell…I really thought he would cry but he didn’t!Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 038 Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 042 Trigger LOVED going to sit in Santa’s lap!!!!!Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 045 Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 047 Santa brought Trigger a woody car and he LOVES it!!!

Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 048Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 050 And, here are my nieces and nephew with Santa (Anna Grace, Chelsea, and Corbin)

Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 056 Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 068Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 067  Me and my big boy!

Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 084 and our family

Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 088 The Woodard family!

Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 091 And a last hug from Baby Jesus before we leftChristmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 094Christmas 2010- Mt. Mariah 096

Afterwards, we rushed home and got these tired boys in bed!  They have to be in bed by a decent time…us Woodard’s like our sleep! :)

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