Monday, December 27, 2010

How have we spent the days leading up to Christmas…

Well…lets see..for starters, we have watched some Christmas movies.  Matt and I love Christmas movies and I think Trigger does too!!!  Here are my boys watching Olive the Other Reindeer!

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 220  Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 225 Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 226 Campbell has tried green beans….HATES, HATES, HATES them…I only tried for about three days and then gave up…because of the three crazy days that we have just had, he hasn’t even had rice cereal since Wednesday. 

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 202 Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 218 That last picture about says it all…YUCK…the poor baby gagged so much that I seriously thought he was going to throw up!!!

And, the last thing that is blog worthy tonight is our gingerbread house.  And actually, I’m not sure if it should be blog worthy because the finished product is HORRIBLE.  I bought a kit at Target when I saw it on a side aisle.  I just thought Trigger would like putting the candy on the house.  (Excuse Trigger’s hair…I’m not sure what he does in his bed while napping but it does a NUMBER on his hair!)

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 137 First step, get the pieces out of the box!

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 138 Second step, two year old can’t control himself so he grabs a bite off the roof.

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 139 Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 143 Third step: Mom puts all pieces together with the premade icing…annnnnddd, pushes too hard and the wall cracks!  Guess our house has foundation problems!

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 144 Step four: Add candy while mom puts icing on the house!

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 148 Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 150 Step Five: Grab a bite of icing while mom isn’t looking.

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 156 Step Six: back to decorating

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 166 Step Seven: Proudly take a picture with the finished product (we ran out of icing…I could’ve made some but honestly, I was tired of this little project and Trigger was getting wild!

Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 172 Making Gingerbread house and Christmas pjs 188 I absolutely LOVE this time of year…I wish we had more time to do fun things together…I’m trying my best to get everything done in just a few short weeks!

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