Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Part of being a mom, I have found, is that you constantly feel guilty about something.  Well, recently, my guilt  has been that I don’t take enough pictures of Campbell like I did of Trigger when he was this age…I mean we have albums and albums of Trigger’s first year.  After that first year, I do NOT have a single picture printed out.  RIDICULOUS.  Soooo, I decided to have a quick little photo shoot of Campbell.

Here are my favorites!

Thanksgiving and Campbell 022 Look who appeared almost immediately!  Can we say JEALOUS because Trigger will NOT cooperate to take pictures…so I take pictures of just Campbell and he comes a-runnin!

Thanksgiving and Campbell 032 Thanksgiving and Campbell 040 Thanksgiving and Campbell 046 Thanksgiving and Campbell 058 Thanksgiving and Campbell 073 Thanksgiving and Campbell 081 Thanksgiving and Campbell 084 Thanksgiving and Campbell 087 Thanksgiving and Campbell 100 ANd, look who showed up again.  Haha!

Thanksgiving and Campbell 116  Thanksgiving and Campbell 123Thanksgiving and Campbell 135

Thanksgiving and Campbell 160 Matt took these of me and Campbell…I HATE, HATE that they turned out blurry…please someone tell me how to fix that on my camera~!  I still love the pictures though!

Thanksgiving and Campbell 178 Thanksgiving and Campbell 179 Thanksgiving and Campbell 181 My other reason for taking these pictures is that this was Campbell’s first time to wear jeans AND his first time to wear a ralph lauren polo.  And it may not happen again for awhile because he looked WAY too old!

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