Thursday, December 30, 2010

Trigger Woodard

And because I LOVE taking pictures and I felt like I have taken more of Campbell than I have of Trigger lately, you are getting to enjoy a Trigger photo shoot!  I got him up from his nap sometime this week and decided to take him outside to take some pictures…it was raining so we just stayed under the front porch in the rocking chairs.  Trigger cooperated better than I thought.

Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 027Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 037Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 039Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 042Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 044Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 050Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 051Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 053Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 056Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 061Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 063Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 066Shower, Trigger, and T's artwork 019

I know I’m biased…but I just think he’s so cute!  And it’s a good thing because with his head strong personality, he needs a little charm and looks!

1 comment:

Heather Patterson said...

wellll, I think he's pretty stinking cute too!!! Great pics!!!