Sunday, December 12, 2010

Campbell- 6 months

My sweet Campbell just turned 6 months old on December 3rd.  It’s sooo hard for me to believe that 6 months have passed since his birth!  I know it’s so “old lady” to say but time is just flying by!!!  I’m trying to soak up every second with him but I usually fail miserably because I get so busy with the rat race around here! 

Campbell 2010 458 Anyway, here are a few random thoughts/memories that I want to remember about Campbell at 6 months.  Oh and he still hasn’t been to the dr for his 6 month check up..we will go next week and I will post Campbell’s measurements.

  • You are the most laid back baby.  I was concerned at first because you didn’t give me the “laid back” vibe.  However, you are soooo easy now!
  • You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your fingers…your pointer and middle finger on your right hand…occasionally you will suck on your left hand (middle two fingers).  This is very convenient in that we don’t have to keep up with a paci or keep one clean.  HOWEVER, we can’t make you take your fingers.  If you are mad or upset, we can’t force your fingers in your mouth like we could with a paci!

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  • Lately, you like to gnaw on your thumb with your other fingers in the air.  Maybe you are starting to get another tooth.
  • Teeth: You still only have your bottom two teeth.  I am so curious to see which teeth you will get next.  Your momma and brother both got their “fang” teeth next…so, we will see if you do too!
  • You started sitting up at 5 months but had to have me sitting right there.  Now, you can sit up really good and I don’t worry as much about leaving you in the floor while I’m in the kitchen.  Fun story for you:  Your brother was laying down in front of you, playing with you while you sat up.  He got a little carried away because he’s not used to you sitting up and looking like a real person….so he just shoved you and pushed you onto your back.  You were soooo upset and scared.  I’m sure you had a little whip-lash!  Your brother was quickly punished with a spanking and a little corner time and a stern talk about how fragile you are!

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  • You love your brother so much and just LOVE to watch his every move.  The other day Trigger was throwing his reindeer in the air and you belly laughed FOREVER at him! 
  • Trigger loves you too!  He is constantly loving on you and giving you lots of kisses!  If he hears you crying in the morning, he will immediately tell me that “Camels cryin”…then he feels the need to run back to your room, go inside, and step up on the bottom bar of the crib and talk to you!  Trigger does NOT really like to share with you though!  We are working on that!!! 

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  • Clothes:  You are sooo long that we are moving up quickly on sizes.  I bought you and your brother two matching smocked outfits for Christmas.  I bought you 6 month because that’s what your brother wore at your age.  They are too short on you!  All the clothes that Zizzy bought you for Christmas are 12 month!!!!  You may be our tall boy like your daddy’s family!
  • You LOVE to squeal and talk…when you can get a word in!  You’ll have to be loud to talk over the rest of us!  Haha!!!

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  • Sleep:  You are just now getting on a two nap schedule!  I don’t really have set times of when I put you down.  I just wait until you get up and that first feeding determines the rest of our schedule for the day.  IF we are home all day (which almost NEVER happens), you will take an 1.5-2 hour nap in the morning and then another 1.5-2 hour nap in the afternoon.  The great thing is that you really are ok if you don’t have one….as long as you are held.  Trigger was a BEAR if he missed one of his, but you are just so happy all the time…well, you do still like to be held ALOT!!!  I was just thinking the other day that we don’t have miserable evenings like we did with Trigger (he cried pretty much every evening from 530-630). 
  • Night:  We give you a bath (not every night because you have sensitive skin like Trigger), I feed you, rock you, and put you in your bed between 7-730.  Sometimes you are asleep when I put you down and sometimes you are wide awake (and talk or cry  yourself to sleep).  Usually you sleep through the night.  If you are going to wake up, it is around midnight (maybe 11).  When you wake at night, it’s either because (a) you didn’t feed well during the day and are hungry OR (b) you have teeteed out of your diaper.  I can usually change you, feed  you, and put you down pretty quickly though. 
  • Feeding:  You had your first rice cereal a couple of weeks ago…so about a week before you turned 6 months.  I wanted to make it until 6 months but I honestly was so worried about your weight, that I started it a week early.  I mix rice cereal with breastmilk in a bowl and feed it to you at night.  You only get about 2 TBSP of it.  We haven’t started you on baby food.  I don’t know when I will start baby food…we didn’t start Trigger until 8 months so it will probably be close to then!

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  • Breastfeeding:  As of 5 months, you are a BREASTFED BABY!  WHEW…you almost wore me out but I finally won.  After we got back from our trip to the beach, I decided to NOT give you anymore bottles (you had been getting just one before bedtime and if we went anywhere).  I nurse you 4-5 times a day. It’s so strange because most babies come home from the hospital breastfeeding and slowly start adding bottles…we did the EXACT opposite.  Haha…but only because of medical reasons (clicking and weight gain).  You have not had a bottle in over a month!  YAY!!!!!!  It’s so much more convenient than having to keep a bottle in a cooler and then warming it up…not to mention sterlizing all those bottles and parts!!!  I am still pumping in the morning after I nurse and at night at 10ish.  I am freezing about 21 ounces a day…why?  I don’t know!  We have a whole freezer full of milk and another freezer filled up half way.  RIDICULOUS…I’m like a dang cow. 
  • Everyone says that you look just like me…until tonight and I got told that you look like your daddy…so I looked at the pictures from tonight and you do look a little like your daddy…Soooo I may have two boys that look like I didn’t put any effort into…BELIEVE ME…yall are mine!!!  I worked hard for you and Trigger!!!  I still think you look like your cousin, Sydney!  Oh and you still have your ADORABLE dimples just like your brother!!!

I just love you soooo much and each day I get sad because you are growing right before my eyes!!!    I’m sure there are soooo many more things that I want to document about you so I may have to do another post later!

1 comment:

The Dugdale Family said...

I LOVE Campbell's sweet outfit in those pictures!