Monday, December 20, 2010

Our Christmas Card

I have tried to remember everyone when I sent out Christmas cards…I’m sure I forgot alot of people!  I’m sorry!!!  If I would just make a good master list to use each year, I wouldn’t have this problem.  Maybe I will work on that next year…haha…probably won’t happen!

We had a front and back card this year and I LOVED how it turned out!  We have used the same guy for the last couple of years for Christmas and birth announcements!

Here’s the front:

Vintage Christmas - Woodard 2 And, here’s the back:

Vintage Christmas - Woodard (Back) 2 The back is definitely my favorite!  I think we (me included) get so caught up in shopping, decorating, cooking, etc. that we really do forget why we celebrate this holiday anyway!  “The Wise Still Seek Him”…HOW TRUE IS THAT!!!!!!  I pray that I don’t loose focus over the next few days and that I take time to SEEK HIM!!!

Merry Christmas!

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