Monday, December 20, 2010

Trigger’s MDO Christmas Party

Trigger loves going to school…last Thursday was a special day at school.  Trigger had his FIRST school Christmas party.  oh and I just realized that I have GOT to take pictures of some of Trigger’s artwork from this year.  They have made some REALLY cute things.  Maybe I will do an artwork post later.

Before I show you pictures from the party, let me back up…we had a rough start this particular morning.  This is how I found Trigger when it was time for us to go…He was hiding in his closet with his “b” and paci.

Trigger's MDO Christmas Party 006 Of course I wanted a few pictures of the boys together in their outfits before we walked out the door.  As you can tell, both were beyond thrilled about taking a picture.

Trigger's MDO Christmas Party 008Then Trigger started crying and irritating his brother…I was irritated and these words actually came out of my mouth, “Trigger WOODARD, you better stop or I’m going to spank you.  NOW, SMILE and take a picture RIGHT NOW!”  What is wrong with me?!?!  In my defense, that week I had been sick and it was just a rough week!  Not an excuse but surely I’m not the worst mom for saying that, right?  Haha!

Trigger's MDO Christmas Party 020

Trigger's MDO Christmas Party 021  Trigger's MDO Christmas Party 022 Here are a few pictures from the party…

Trigger's MDO Christmas Party 023 Trigger's MDO Christmas Party 024 Trigger's MDO Christmas Party 029 Look who showed  up to see Trigger at his party.  Yay for Daddy!!!

Trigger's MDO Christmas Party 033 Trigger loves Sarah Kate

Trigger's MDO Christmas Party 037Trigger's MDO Christmas Party 048 Trigger's MDO Christmas Party 045 After the party, we came home and NAPPED…PRAISE THE LORD for naptimes! :)

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