Sunday, December 19, 2010

A couple of Sundays ago

A few Sundays ago… Campbell had an ear infection and snotty nose so I kept him at home with me while Matt and Trigger went to church.  I love this outfit that Trigger has on so I took a few pictures of Trigger and Matt.  One of the things (shallow things) that I love about Christmas is the outfits for children.  The sad part that after I saw Trigger in this jon-jon, I realized that this will be the last season that he can wear jon-jons and longalls.  They are OH SO CUTE on him but he’s almost 2.5 and his legs have gotten long and he just looks to big to wear them.  *sniff, sniff* NOW, I did not say that smocked outfits will be out of the question.  There are smocked two piece outfits!!! 

Liz's Birthday and playing with Sydney 002 Liz's Birthday and playing with Sydney 013 Liz's Birthday and playing with Sydney 015 And then, Matt put Trigger’s ragsland jacket on and…..oh my word…I was in love!  I think he sooo looks like Seth in these pictures..maybe because my mom used to dress Seth just like this!!!

Liz's Birthday and playing with Sydney 020 Liz's Birthday and playing with Sydney 024

Let me just give a quick little update on my sweet Trigger. 

  • As I speak of all the time, he is VERY independent.  He can take off all his clothes and can put all of them  back on by HIMSELF.  I had pre-k children that could not put on their clothes.  Now, he hasn’t mastered his jacket yet BUT he did buckle and unbuckle his belt by himself the other day.  YAY…the pre-k teachers are going to love him!  ha!! 
  • Trigger does NOT like to have his fingernails/toenails cut!

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  • Speech: IT has EXPLODED!  He almost always uses complete sentences…and has started using compound sentences.  I am so impressed! Now, there are times where I have to really think about what he is saying and use context clues but we have come soooo far in his speech. One of my favorite things that he says (that’s not very nice) “I don have to” (said in the most angelic voice)..this is usually his response to us when we tell him to go do something.  HAHA!

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  • He still loves cars, trucks, tractors, and woody/buzz.  He also LOVES to read and LOVES backyardigans (Tyrone is his favorite). 
  • When he gets excited, he gallops with his hands on his hips and says “save the day…save the day” (he got that from a Backyardigans show).

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  • He sings all the time now.  “Amazing Grace”, “Jesus Loves Me”, Backyardigan’s songs (“Oooo Oooo…I got a ‘maggg’”), “Frosty the Snowman”, “Jingle Bells”, “Rudolph”
  • He sleeps great.  Trigger takes a nap everyday at 1pm for usually two hours…sometimes 1.5 hours and sometimes 3 hours.  At night, Matt reads him a couple of books and put him down around 7:30.  He still has to have his paci and red “B” to sleep! :)  I really thought I would have gotten rid of his paci at 2 but Campbell was teeny tiny and I just needed one child to sleep good…so Trigger kept his paci.  It doesn’t really bother me because he JUST gets it when he’s in bed!

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  • Trigger likes to eat…I have NO idea where he gets that from.  He also LOVES “black” (coke) ICEES….that is usually his bribe to take a nap at school.
  • Mother’s Day Out- I’m guessing he is doing okay…I haven’t had any reports of horrible behavior so I guess he’s showing his charming side! ;)  We LOVE, LOVE his teacher, Mrs. Linda.  She is the mother of FOUR boys so she KNOWS how to handle my independent boy! 
  • Occupational Therapy- Trigger is really doing great in OT.  Our therapist has really given us some good tips.  We have bought Trigger an inside trampoline and any time he gets overstimulated, he is suppose to jump.  Matt tries to wrestle with Trigger every night too! 
  • Trigger LOVES to play hide and seek.  We usually play every night after supper.

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  • Because our child is SPOILED, when he gets up in the morning, he gets in our bed.  We turn on Mickey.  He usually immediately says, “I wan my suppa (breakfast)”.  Soooo…we fix his breakfast and bring it to him in bed.  As soon as he sees me coming with his plate, he starts clapping and says “woohoo…yay!”  Yes, I know it is ridiculous…but it keeps him in the back with me so that I can continue to get ready in the mornings!
  • Trigger is kind-of REALLY obsessed with his appearance.  He is constantly running back to our bathroom to look in our full length mirror.  As soon as I get him dressed, he runs to the back and starts saying “look at me…look at me”.
  • He LOVES his belt and boots! 

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  • His favorite color is ORANGE!
  • I think he is going to be left handed.  I try my pre-k trick all the time of determining hand preference and he ALWAYS picks the left hand….TIME WILL TELL!  A left-handed child is not something I would’ve dreamed of because NO ONE in our family is left handed!

Okay…I did NOT mean for this post to be this long!  But I’m glad I documented all of that!

UPDATE on milk:  My supply is getting better.  I tried something called “power pumping”…It’s where you pump for 20 minutes, break for 10 min, pump for 10, break for 10, pump for 10, etc.  I did that for about 2 hours last night and I’m doing it again tonight! I’ll probably have to do it for the next couple of days but it is SOOOO worth it.  In case you didn’t know this about me, I am a VERY determined, head strong person.  If I want something, I do everything in my power to make it happen!!!! 

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