Thursday, December 2, 2010

Campbell Laughing

This morning I dropped Trigger off at MDO.  He was a little clingy this morning.  Trigger has come sooo far this year.  He doesn’t cry when I drop him off anymore but he ALWAYS asks to “hold my hand, mama” as soon as we get in the door (and I LOVE IT!  I can just hear that sweet voice asking me right now).  I have made it a habit to NOT carry him in because I know that will create more of a problem when we get to his room.  Anyway, after I dropped him Campbell and I headed to Liz’s to pick her up (with a Sonic stop on the way).  The three of us headed to Monroe to do a little Christmas shopping.  Campbell was great but we had to hold him alot…he is getting HEAVY! 

When we got back to Ruston, we ran to Temple to get Trigger.  Then, we headed to The Children’s Shoppe to look for the boys some Sunday outfits which let me say that I have been so disappointed lately in what they have in stock.  It seems that every time I go in there, their stock of boys clothes gets smaller and smaller.  One of the girls told us today that they aren’t getting as much smocked/appliqued outfits because not as many people dress their little boys like that…MY WORD!  I find that HARD to believe since everyone that has boys that I know, dresses their child in cute outfits.  It’s just really hard to find nice church outfits for them now…and I am not dressing Campbell in pants and a button-up…I don’t even do that for Trigger yet!

After the children’s shoppe, we made a quick stop by my dad’s office to pick up something.  Then, we went to Sonic to get Trigger a slush for taking a nap at school…then, took Liz home.  Then, fed Campbell.  After all that I was EXHAUSTED so I fixed a really easy supper!!!  While cooking, I put Campbell in the jumperoo to play for a few minutes (he was exhausted too and REALLy wanted to be held).  Trigger was INTO EVERYTHING…right after I just complemented him on how he was doing better about not getting into everything!  Haha!!!  Anyway, I was stirring something on the stove and Campbell started rolling laughing…he was looking past me so i turned to see what he was laughing at…IT WAS TRIGGER.  Campbell was laughing at Trigger…Trigger was throwing his build-a-bear reindeer in the air and letting it hit the floor.  “Jim” (that’s the reindeer’s name) and Trigger were putting on a show and Campbell LOVED it!!!  I got a little bit of it recorded on my iphone.  Please ignore my annoyingly loud voice!

Aren’t baby laughs just the GREATEST!!!!

1 comment:

Emery Wilkerson said...

Hudson & I just got some good giggles listeing to those baby laughs!! So sweet! I was watching it on the laptop & Hudson ran over to see what it was!