Thursday, March 22, 2012

SICK…but still going!

Well, we went to school for a week…went to church for the first time in forever….and after a week of being out in the world and out of our bubble, WE ARE SICK!   Trigger started it…he just had a clear runny nose.  Then, Larkin and Campbell got a clear runny nose.  I took Larkin and Campbell in because they both woke one morning with a little color.  I had to make sure it wasn’t RSV (bc it has been going around).  Well, it was OF COURSE a virus….just not RSV.  Hate that word so very much.  VIRUS=NO MEDICINE

Anyway, I was thankful it wasn’t RSV.  She did see lots of drainage on both Campbell and Trigger.  Dr. Slusher did tell me that Campbell’s tubes were out of position and no longer functioning…it has been a year so that is to be expected.  She said just to watch for high fever that would be associated with ear infections.  OH, and she thought that Campbell had conjunctivitis (pink eye)…his eye was disgusting…all matted and green.  However, I’m still not convinced of that because NO one else got it and it’s highly contagious.  Campbell also got his last HEP A shot because he wasn’t able to get it at his last well visit.  We went home and wiped noses…that was last Wednesday.

Do you see how red Larkin’s eyes are…and you can see her crusty nose.  Poor girl!IMG_2098On Wednesday night, Campbell was NOT acting himself…more clingy that normal.  I had to go into his room to rock him about four times that night…SOOOO not like him.  I’m not sure the last time I had been in his room at night.  THEN, Thursday morning, my suspicions were confirmed when Campbell screamed for a solid hour…maybe more…It was HORRIBLE!  I had to hold him screaming while holding Larkin and nursing her…then had to switch them to the other sides when it was time for her to nurse on the other side…THE WHOLE TIME CAMPBELL screamed.  Bless his heart…I KNEW he had an ear infection.  I mean…seriously?!?  Tube comes out and BAM, ear infection.  SIGH!!!!!! I took him (and Larkin in tow) back to the dr…it had been LESS than 24 hours since we were there.  YEP, Dr. SLusher said he definitely had an ear infection in his left ear.  Poor little guy!   IMG_2105I kept Motrin in him for a couple of days and that always helps some.  He felt good enough one afternoon that we made our way outside!!!  YAY!!!!  IMG_2116He wasn’t happy because Trigger was pulling on his truck.  IMG_2120IMG_2126As of today, we still all have runny noses.  Trigger has been having major meltdowns and I suspect an ear infection but he completely denies it one minute and then will make a comment that it hurts “just a little bit” the next minute.  He is at the age where he knows that the dr can do things that are less than pleasant so he tries to avoid a dr visit!  It’s hard for me to tell if my boys have ear infections because about 75% of the time, they do NOT run fever with their ear infections…which is good but makes it hard to determine when to go to the dr.  IMG_2134IMG_2139Both of my boys get red cheeks very easily….IMG_2154IMG_2158IMG_2159

I’m hoping that is our one and only illness for awhile.  But, I’m not naïve…I’m sure we will be back at GC in no time.  I do hate that Larkin, at 2 months, has already been sick!

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