Saturday, March 24, 2012

60th Birthdays

My Aunt (Liz) and Uncle (Ivin) turned 60 in the last month.  My cousins threw them a surprise party.  It was very nice.  The food was yummy!  We couldn’t stay too long because Larkin needed to be fed.  In the picture below:  My grandmother immediately grabbed Larkin for me which was a HUGE help.  It seriously takes a village these days!  Larkin, of course since we were in public, was a perfect angel!   She was passed around between Liz, Mamaw, Aunt Dorothy (my grandmother’s sister…she’s in the purple sweater below), and me.  IMG_2193IMG_2194Campbell was excited because they had food…love that child and his chunky legs!!!IMG_2195IMG_2198When we got home, I wanted to take a picture of the kids.  No, they don’t match at all…I had a hard time finding outfits for everyone with green in them…because it was St. Patricks day.  I didn’t want my babies to get pinched.  Ha!!!!  Seriously though, I had this precious jonjon picked out that matched Trigger’s green and white shirt but I talked myself out of it because it was mostly white and I felt like that might be a little much for this early in the year.  Anyway, aren’t they precious children?!?!  I sure think so!IMG_2200IMG_2204IMG_2211IMG_2214Trigger sure LOVES his baby sister!  I’m not sure if he could love her more than he does.  It’s really so sweet to me!IMG_2218

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