Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Campbell LOVES to point out all of Larkins facial features.  We have to really watch him on the eyes! Ha!  IMG_1547IMG_1548IMG_1550Soooooo sweet.  I love when Campbell loves on Larkin.IMG_1554What girl doesn’t want to wear an old man tech hat?  Actually, I love that hat.  Travis Hood (my grandfather’s cousin) gave that to Matt a long time ago.  I thought it was so sweet of him.IMG_1557IMG_1560IMG_1563And, well, we can’t always be happy…poor little Campbell…such a middle child.  HA!IMG_1565IMG_1571And then Campbell decided that Larkin needed new clothes so I had to put the camera down to take care of that situation.IMG_1577

I love these little moments in our house…no one is dressed cut, all of our hair is in desperate need of haircuts, the house is a wreck, dishes piled up, sleep deprived, etc.  BUT, it is these little moments that are soo great!  Now, I’m off to take care of a child (maybe put him outside) because he’s not napping and not staying in his bed…and just generally finding our rules of this house not to be something that he wants to follow…so, I must go and take care of him!

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