Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Our morning today

Today or at least this morning was supposed to be uneventful but very productive for me! Hahahaha!!!!
It started by me feeding the troops and starting a load of laundry. Then, I had planned for the boys to play in the playroom while I got triggers winter clothes pulled out and his summer clothes put in his closet and armoire. Well, I had company of course...bc apparently destroying the playroom didn't hold their attention for long. As I figured, a certain little boy was not happy to let go of his old clothes.

I gave in and let him wear a pair of 3t shorts that are entirely too small! I mean, way, way small. I don't know how he was breathing with them on.
Shortly after that meltdown, I heard Campbell in the boys bath. I knew he was up on the stool bc he loves to get up there and dig through the drawers and find things he shouldn't have. Well, someone left the zyrtec on the counter last night and the medicine cups. Campbell had gotten the bottle open and kept pouring him a cup full ofthe medicine. The whole bottle was empty. Thankfully, he didn't put any in his mouth. He apparently thought it was more fun to pour it out on the ground and counter. So thankful he didn't ingest all that medicine. Sooo, I cleaned up that mess.

After that, I was feeding Larkin and thought both boys were in the playroom. You have to watch little Campbell. Hes sneaky sneaky!!!! He has a little obsession with our chair, desk, and computer that's in our closet. We get on to him constantly for getting in that chair.

Well today, that chair got the best of him. I was feeding Larkin and heard screaming. I ran back there and sat on the ground next to the chair. I held him while still nursing Larkin. It took him forever to calm down and took me even longer to figure out what was really wrong! His poor head!!!!

I decided that it was time to eat bc we were clearly not having much luck with getting anything done. Matts dad had brought over some yummy left overs from last night. Campbell must take after his daddy and not like left overs bc he threw food everywhere. I don't think I've mentioned this but Campbell is
THE slowest eater ever!!!! He is still in his chair after we have cleaned the entire kitchen and loaded the dishwasher. If at any point, he gets tired, he either piles food on top of his
Milk cup OR he throws it everywhere. This particular day, he chose to throw.

Yay! So I cleaned that all up! The boys watched a little Mike the Knight which happens to be triggers new favorite show!!!!

And I got busy finishing up triggers closet. I got all spring/summer clothes put in triggers closet and armoire.

And I got all of his fall/winter clothes packed up for Campbell.

Campbells clothes are a little out of control. He has all of triggers handmedowns and then he has clothes of his own. Soooo, he has two complete rods that I have to take down, take off hangers and put in box.

These did not get put up on monday...these are part of his spring/summer wardrobe (which is mostly triggers old wardrobe)...all waiting to be hung.

After I got to a stopping point, I went to get the boys for naps...trigger was a basketcase bc he'd been up since 5ish (love his new wake time! NOT!). He had some teetee on those 3t shorts that he just had to wear. I told him to take them off and put them in the laundry room so I could wash them. He had a complete meltdown!!!!! Poor guy!

After naps, everyone was in a much better mood.
Campbell loving on Larkin!

The boys even got to ride to get the mail. They LOVE riding in the front seat down the driveway and back!!! And, yes, we do walk to get the mail too but they think this is a treat! :)

On Monday night, things were quite rough. As I have mentioned, trigger is having a really difficult time sleeping. Matt even handed his paci back to him last night. But, he didn't use it so I went and took it away bc I felt like it would just create more problems. Well, I tried something new today. I put him in bed for nap. The plan was to leave him there for an hour and a half....told him that he didn't have to sleep but had to be quiet. He did not sleep but was in a semi good mood...better than he has been. I made sure he played outside and did lots of jumping and pushing heavy objects (per his therapists suggestions) Then, when we put him down tonight, we did a little bit different routine...including brushing him which we havent done in probably a year! And he sacked out immediately!!!! So maybe these new routines will help bc 7 hours of sleep in a 24 period just doesn't cut it for a 3 year old!
This Monday was definitely a MONDAY! I was highly frustrated and felt like I could get nothing done between feedings, refereeing, retrieving medicine bottles from cs hand, healing bobos, etc. Some days (alot of days) are just like that!!!!

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