Thursday, March 1, 2012

The days are long…but the nights are longer!

When the boys are home, I have to get creative to entertain the troops.  They have a playroom with TONS and TONS of toys.  However, they get bored very easily with them.  I have been trying to pull out something different to do each day…or we make a craft.   If they go to grandparents, they usually just come home, nap, and play with toys.  Thank goodness for those days so that I don’t have to come up with activities everyday.

We have played with a lot of playdough.  Both of them LOVE playdough.  Trigger likes to pretend that he is making cookies.  He even has a certain drawer in the kitchen that he uses to bake his cookies.  IMG_1020IMG_1021IMG_1024

We have made a few Valentines projects.  This one was super easy and just a last minute idea on my part.  I used contact paper (that I had from teaching), tissue paper squares (in red, pink and white for vday), and construction paper hearts.   I gave them a bowl of squares and hearts.  They just had to fill up their contact paper.  SIMPLE…and no messy glue!IMG_1137Liz and I laughed at Campbell.  Liz said, “Can’t you remember how you ALWAYS had that one student who didn’t care about their projects and were finished before you were even finished passing out the supplies to everyone…THAT is Campbell”  Ha!  He picked up a glob of tissue paper and junked in down and looked at us like “im done..what’s next”IMG_1138Of course, then  he decided that he needed more!IMG_1143And then you have the first born….who is meticulously about the placement of each piece! ;)IMG_1146

Next up: Our banner.  I cut out banner pieces from white cardstock.   Then, I cut hearts out to tape down to the banner pieces.  THe boys watercolored around the heart.  After they finished each banner pieces, I would removed the heart so it left a white heart where there was no paint. 

IMG_1189IMG_1190Campbell, once again, got bored quickly…what can I say…he’s not even two yet!  AND, he had water in front of him…how could he resist the urge!IMG_1203A totally guilty look…with a blue mouth from putting his mouth down in the water.  YUCK!IMG_1204SO…what did this mean momma make him do? Clean up his mess!  He had water EVERYWHERE!  IMG_1208After they finished, I punched holes and put ribbon through the holes and hung in our window.  The heart pictures below are our contact paper collages from above.  aren’t they cute.  They looked really good when the sun was shining!IMG_1213Trigger’s collageIMG_1215Campbell’s collageIMG_1216And one more look at our banner.  Campbell painted all of the blue ones (with lots of help from me).  Trigger painted the red ones.  I realized that blue isn’t a traditional Valentine’s color but I saw blue and red on another blog and thought we would use those colors too since I have two boys that painted.

IMG_1217 I’m running out of creative ideas so I’m going to have to start looking on pinterest for some more fun things/activities to do with the boys!

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