Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Our House

Let me just say that we are LOVING our house…and our new addition…BUT…and that is a big fat BUT, I will NEVER, EVER, EVER do another remodel while living in the house.  Just thinking back on it makes me want to CRY.  It was exhausting.  Our house was in shambles all of the time…layers upon layers of dust everywhere…we had to sweep and clean every evening.  Campbell was living in the playroom for over 2 months…Triggers room had half of the playroom in it PLUS it was all pushed to one side while they walled up an old window, patched, painted, ripped up carpet, and floored it….not to mention that NOT only were they working on that side of the house but they were also adding on a master closet off of our bedroom AND redoing my bathtub.  SO, to say that it was chaotic and very nasty in my house, is a HUGE understatement.  We started this project in September and they finished a few days before Christmas…Here is the before (of the outside)



Here is the after:

Let’s start with the back.  We added a outdoor kitchen/patio/fireplace.  If  you look above, we had a stone patio that Matt and I (mostly Matt) put in.  It was horrible and pretty dangerous from not being level.  We are loving this new area.  We have already grilled several times.   We can’t wait to have a party so we can use the space.  That hole over there to the right of the grill, will have a refrigerator which is still sitting in a box…but we are waiting on a contractor to come help Matt do a few things before putting it in. 

IMG_2242Don’t you love our trucks and digger. We need patio furniture but we just haven’t gotten around to that yet!IMG_2243That part of the house on the right side was added.  It’s our master closet…with a work space for Matt. IMG_2244We also had a generator put in…now, if the electricity goes out, we shouldn’t have more than a few seconds without electricity.  My parents had one installed too…so I guess everyone can come over to our house or theirs.  I would probably choose theirs because it’s a lot quieter there! IMG_2245I wish Matt’s truck had not been there when I took these pictures but I was a tad too lazy to go in and get the keys to move it.IMG_2246This area to the right (in the picture above) with the two windows is the addition of rooms.  In this area, there’s Trigger’s room, Campbell’s room, their bathroom, and a safe room.IMG_2247IMG_2248We need something on the bricks on the front of the closet addition…not sure what yet.  IMG_2249We also had Lincoln Outdoor Living (Brian Beck) come out and put in a fence.  Our neighbors behind us have a pool without a fence which is very, very dangerous with my three little ones soooo we put in a fence!  Brian also did all of our landscaping, sod, and sprinklers.  Our flower beds were pitiful before…because I do NOT have a green thumb.IMG_2250Let’s move inside.  Here is my new bathtub and tile.  I am NOT a fan of whirlpool tubs…the gunk that builds up in the pipes really grosses me out!  So, we put in just a soaker tub…I know I’m werid…I can’t help it!IMG_2251Our master closet…I’m slightly in love with the island.  It is PERFECT for projects, wrapping presents, etc.  The desk is PERFECT for working late at night.IMG_2252Oh and this was where Larkin slept until a couple of nights ago.  IMG_2253It’s getting a little junked up…I need to do some straightening up but I have NO time right now.  Oh well.IMG_2254I LOVE, LOVE our laundry room.  This was Campbell’s room.  We had to have a hallway leading back to the new rooms so we went through Campbell’s old room.  The leftovers of his room became my laundry room.  Do you see those doors to the right.  That was Campbell’s old closet.  We just had 8 foot doors put on and had douglas cabinet make shelving/drawers in there.  I wish I had taken a picture of the inside.  IMG_2255I wanted a desk…which is right by the back door…PERFECT for throwing my purse, keys, mail, school notes, etc.  I also wanted a place to hold baskets of clean clothes so that they weren’t piled up at the end of our bed…now, that wouldn’t be a problem if I could keep up with the laundry but I can’t and I know that about myself.  I really need to buy all matching baskets but I just really haven’t care that much.  IMG_2257IMG_2258And our old laundry room…if you could even call it a room…it was more of an alley/walk through….it became the mudroom.  It’s pretty messy in this picture…sorry for that!  but, we USE this room.  We are practical people.  I had someone ask me if we were planning on having another child since we have four locker…ummm, NO, Matt and I share a locker.  However, I don’t really keep my stuff in there.IMG_2260In the mudroom, we have this little closet that holds mops, vacuum, etc.  IMG_2261When I come in the back door every day, I get to see these three adorable children! ;)  IMG_2262

That’s all for tonight.  I forgot to take pictures of the boys new rooms.  I still don’t have anything hung in their rooms.  I am so indecisive!!!

Anyway, we are loving all the extra space!!!!  Now if I can just keep it clean…or at least decent!

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