Thursday, March 15, 2012


A few weeks ago we were expected to get some bad weather.  I did realize just how bad.  I put the boys down for their naps.  Campbell was already OUT.  I was feeding Larkin and all of the sudden I hear this REALLY loud and eerie noise.  I look outside and panic.  IT was HAIL and lots of it.  Trigger came running because he gets a little scared even when it rains…and it was a great excuse to escape from his bed.  I called Matt and asked in a very panicked voice “should we get in the safe room?  campbells asleep, do I need to wake him?”  Yeah, I overreacted a little.  However, in my defense, it was pretty big sized hail.  These pictures were taken about 10 minutes after the storm passed so the size of these were a lot bigger when it was coming down.  About 20 minutes after I took these pictures, it was all completely gone because it was so warm outside.  Crazy!IMG_1876IMG_1880IMG_1883IMG_1884

And for the record, we did not get in the safe room.  I do feel sooo much safer knowing that we can get in there at a moments notice and be safe.  I’m sure my grandkids will laugh at this because they will have something way more sophisticated and high tech by that point.  Our room is cinder block walls with steel rods run through the middle of the blocks and concrete poured into the holes and then a steel roof that is attached to the rods...  Matt assures me that is as safe as you can get…without having a bank vault door. 

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