Friday, March 9, 2012

Larkin- Two Months

I thought I should post about Larkin’s 2 month appointment before I forgot about it again.  Larkin turned two months on March 6, 2012 and she had her appointment on that day also.  Of course we had to get all dolled up since we don’t go anywhere.   Her bow really wasn’t that big…I think it must’ve just been how I took the picture!  Sorry Larkin but I must tell this.  We had a busy morning.  I loaded all three children up in the car and took Trigger to school at 9 (first time that he had been in TWO months).  Then, we dropped Campbell off with Grammy and Papaw in the parking lot at Trinity.  Then, I rushed home to feed Larkin.  I was loading her back up to take her to the doctor.  We were supposed to leave by 10 because her appointment was at 10:15.  I was picking up her carseat to put her in the car and she decided to have a major dirty diaper sooooo…I unbuckled and changed it and we were LATE!  I really think the receptionists know that I am always late and just tell me a time that is 15 minutes earlier than it really is to compensate for my tardiness.  photo

When we arrived, it was rather strange.  There was absolutely NO one in the waiting room and no one in the well baby room…it was a little eerie!  We got called back quickly and they weighed and measured Larkin.  I was surprised by her weight.  She seems so heavy to me and seems to have gotten really big.  However, her stats were:

Weight- 9lbs. 3oz.      Length- 21 inches      Head Circumference- 14 inches

I really expected her to weigh more…but she is following along her curve.  It’s funny to me because we think Larkin is so huge now and she’s really the size of a lot of newborns…in fact, Liz laughed because Deanna and Lance were both 21.5 inches long (longer than Larkin is now) when they were born….but when you start out at 5 lbs and 17 inches, I guess this is a good weight and height.  I did look back and Trigger weighed 10lbs 2oz and Campbell weighed 10lbs 13oz at their 2 month appointments.    And just for fun, here is a picture of Trigger and Campbell at 2 months.  I still think Larkin looks like Trigger.Weeks 6-8 032

Campbell Smiling 157

Dr. Slusher checked Larkin out and said she looked great.  She does a lot of snorting…really lady like, huh? and Matt wanted to know why so I asked.  Dr. Slusher said it could be two things. 1. Small nasal passages. 2. Acid reflux causing the nasal passages to be irritated which would mimic small nasal passages.  She said that we are going to hope that it is number two because you can’t do anything about true small nasal passages…and if they were small, it makes a cold that much more difficult! 

Dr. Slusher asked how the prevacid was working Larkin’s acid reflux (because she spit up big time while we were there).  I told her that it has been wonderful but that she is still spitting up quite a bit.  So, she suggested that we try her on Zantac AND prevacid.  We are trying that now and I think it is helping. 

I also want to note that we are thinking that Larkin is sensitive to dairy….not necessarily an allergy…but I do notice major fussiness after I eat dairy. 

I am still nursing Larkin every three hours.  In the past few days, I have started putting her in her bed…well not her bed, she’s not in her room yet…she is still in our new closet in a pack and play.  Anyway, I put her down at her night feeding and that’s usually anywhere from 730-930.  Then, I just let her sleep until she wakes hungry. There really isn’t a true pattern yet but I would say that she goes for about 5 hours after that 730-930 feeding and then goes about 4 hours after that.  So, I am getting some sleep.  Honestly, I kind of gotten used to the no sleep and don’t feel as bad as I did in those first few weeks.  It’s amazing how your body adjusts to the no sleep!  Oh and we are still swaddling her..TIGHT!  She loves it at night!  I don’t remember when we stopped with the boys…the both HATED their hands/arms being swaddled but I’m now wondering if it was because we didn’t know how to swaddle good.  Matt and Liz finally figured out a trick to let them have their hands close their face but they are still covered and swaddled!  YAY!

Larkin does not get much tummy time because I’m really not in the mood to deal with the body slamming that I’m sure would commence from the middle child.   Dr. Slusher told me again (like she did with Campbell) that holding her up on my shoulder was just as good for strengthening her neck.  I really haven’t had to worry much about any of our children’s neck strength since they have all had good head control for their ages.  I convinced that is because they are highly nosey! Ha! 

Larkin is sleeping A LOT, A LOT, A LOT better during the day…I mean, NO comparison.  She went from screaming ALL DAY LONG to sleeping in her pack and play for extended periods of time!!!!  PRAISE THE LORD for Prevacid!  She has also found her love for a paci (or “papi” if Campbell says it).  Now, it is nothing compared to Trigger’s love…Trigger came out reaching for a paci.  BUT, Larkin is taking one now and I love a paci baby.

Dr. Slusher was very pleased that we made it to her two month visit without any illnesses…she has no idea the lengths we went to keep this baby healthy!  She said that we still have to be VERY careful because RSV and the flu are going around big time.  So, we can take Larkin places but have to be super particular about people holding her and can’t get her around sick people.  Even a cold in a 3 year old-adult can be the RSV virus but present just like a cold in them.  So, lots of hand washing, limiting her outings, etc. 

Larkin did get her shots at her appointment.  Three shots…five vaccines in all…and one oral.  She did cry but recovered quickly.  Shots don’t bother me as much at this age.  Now, Trigger’s age, that is a different story…because he will start the “I don’t want a shot, momma…but momma, I love you”…talk about feeling bad!  But, a two month old that cries for 30 seconds does not break my heart.  Larkin did not run any fever with her shots either!  YAY!!!!

We will go back for a four month check up in May.  I jokingly told Dr. Slusher that we will probably see her next week since Trigger went back to school and we are going back to church this Sunday.  I hope not!

1 comment:

Emery Wilkerson said...

Yea, I can definitely see the resemblance in Larkin & Trigger in the pics on this post! THREE BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN!!