Friday, March 9, 2012


Campbell would live “ow-side” if we would let him…so would Trigger but he is not as obsessed as he once was.  Last weekend it was so beautiful so we let the boys play while Matt and I cleaned some toys (that we had stored out there during the remodel) out of the shop.  We had two things happen this particular day.  Let’s back up to the beginning of the day…I was in the kitchen and I hear Trigger crying in the playroom.  Now, you have to understand that there is ALWAYS someone crying in our house…it’s just the stage we are in right now.  I always wait a minute or so for most cries because they usually are for no real reason.  However, this cry was an obvious “hurt cry”. I ran to the playroom and from what I gathered from his explanation was that he was trying to sit on a beach ball and flipped off.  He had a big red mark on his back (I’m guessing he hit the train table) and he somehow got a scrape on his thumb…actually, it’s the part between your thumb and pointer finger. Anyway, it was raw and bleeding.  We held a paper towel on it.  Sometime after Matt got home and before we went outside, I did something I NEVER, EVER do…I got my child a BAND-AID.  YUCK…YUCK…YUCK.  I will never understand why parents let their children have tons of band-aids.  YUCK.  My grandfather made it very clear from an early age that bandaids just trapped germs inside and that a wound needed air…AND some monkey’s blood (merthiolate).  The rule in our house is that unless you are profusely bleeding or a limb is hanging on by a thread, there is NO need for a band-aid.  Ha…okay..not really that bad but I really, really do not like band-aids…anyone who knows me, KNOWS this about me!  In fact, when Liz saw the band-aid on Trigger’s thumb, she chuckled and said “what? is his thumb falling off…it MUST be if your mom allowed you to have a band-aid”.  I can’t help it…they are just very nasty to me!!!!! Well, the incident happened on Sunday and I told him Monday night that that was IT…there would be no band-aid going to school the next day because it was picture day and I would DIE or maybe throw up if he had a band-aid on in a picture.  And, I want you to know that the scrape looked WAY better after having fresh air on Tuesday!!!!  It was all moist and nasty when he kept a band-aid on it…so maybe my grandfather did know a thing or two…I mean he was in WWII and was shot in the leg so he should know about wounds. ;)  Anyway, back to the incidents.  The second thing that happened was to Campbell.  While we were cleaning out the shop, the boys were mostly right around us.  They would venture off for a few minutes and then come back and we kept our eyes on them.  Well, I saw that Campbell went to the top of the playset which is really high.  I made the comment about how that made me nervous…usually one of us is right there with him.  I was holding Larkin at the time…and all of the sudden, Campbell got close the the stairs that lead up to the top story…very steep.  He has had issues getting down because he treats them like steps when really it’s more like a ladder….I could see what was happening before it even happened…I started sprinting while holding Larkin…Matt started sprinting but we couldn’t get there fast enough.  He stepped down the first step and then flipped down and landed on the bottom deck.. PEOPLE, it could’ve been so bad.  God was watching over that little boy and protecting him.  He did hit his head but didn’t land on it.  He screamed and screamed and screamed.  Matt held him for the longest time and we checked his whole body…and his pupils (which we are very good at doing since we have weekly hits to the head).  All looked good and he went on playing….we all learned a lesson that day.  Trigger learned that you can’t sit on a beach ball.  We learned that Campbell is never allowed on the playset without an adult right behind him.  I’m just so thankful that there were no major injuries because something like a simple fall can easily result in a major injury!

I did grab a few pictures of the boys.  Trigger’s outfit cracks me up…he looks like an old man to me with those gray sweatpants.  Ha! Oh and they desperately needed a haircut and have gotten one since then…Liz loves their hair long…it drives me insane.  I like a nice, neat hair cut!

IMG_1749IMG_1750IMG_1768IMG_1773IMG_1775IMG_1785IMG_1801IMG_1812IMG_1815IMG_1826And, doesn’t everyone need a sip of gatorade after a hard day’s work!IMG_1834

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