Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Child Labor?

I’m not saying that I am a fan of child labor but I will take all the help I can get.  Trigger is so smart and can learn things quickly…I’m not necessarily talking about academics…but he picks up on real life things quickly.  Anyway, he’s been able to fold his “b” since before Campbell was born…I’m thinking he learned around 20-21 months.  So, if he can fold that, he can fold rags and kitchen towels.  He volunteered to help one day when zizzy was over here helping with laundry so she put him to work…a few days after that, we were doing laundry and he wanted to help again sooooo  what’s a momma to do?  PUT THAT BOY TO WORK!!! And, that’s exactly what I did.  I mean, I know it won’t last long so I have to take advantage of the help while I have it!


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