Sunday, March 18, 2012

Poppy and Zizzys

It’s no secret that the boys LOVE playing at Poppy and Zizzy’s house…they still have the playset that was built for me, will and seth when we were little…they have the golf cart, “fire jeep”, and may other things to play with!  AND, Zizzy would much rather play outside than inside so they spend a lot of time outside when they are there!

I thought it was so cute when both of the boys jumped on the twirly bird. I was quite surprised that Trigger could operate it by himself….and surprised that Campbell could hang on! 

IMG_1920IMG_1921IMG_1922IMG_1926And they had to test out the swing!IMG_1929IMG_1931

I’m so thankful that my parents still have this playset for my children to play on…and so thankful that Zizzy (and poppy) are so willing to take them outside and chase them around!

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