Thursday, March 1, 2012


I know I rave about Matt all the time.  He’s not perfect but he sure tries hard to be perfect.  This is such a hard time of the year for him.  It really is funny to me because people think they know how much he works but I don’t think they really understand the amount of hours that he works right now.  I mean it isn’t natural to work that much and to miss that much sleep!!!!  He does a great job of making our family as much of a priority as he can.  He comes home for supper and stays to put the boys in bed.  They don’t know any different except that he works on Saturdays too.  Matt loves his children (and me) so much and it’s obvious!!!  IMG_1085

Do you think she’s got him wrapped around her little finger? Why, yes, I believe she does!!!!!  IMG_1184IMG_1185

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