Campbell spent the night last night (wednesday night) at my parents. I talked to Liz a million times today (Thursday)...he didn't run fever, no medicine, all morning. She put him down for a nap. An hour later he woke with 100.4....right at the fever mark. And he was screaming for mommy and daddy and kept grabbing his ear. Now please remember That we had just been to the dr on Wednesday morning and his ears and throat were clear....and got the positive flu test! :( Liz called me and said she thought he had an ear infection. Really???? It was 3pm and I knew the odds of finding a dr that would see him this late in the day. I called all of the drs that we see. One had left. One was done seeing patients...and the rest of the drs at gc were either out or booked up. So, I had Liz meet me at quick care bc there was no way I was making that baby have an ear infection without diagnosis until the morning. The nurse prac questioned the daylights out of me...argued with me about the medicine Campbell had been on and if he really had had all of those different illnesses in just two weeks...I tried to tell him that I don't make this crap up but he didn't understand how neurotic and on top of our medical care that I actually am...I think when I spouted off every dr visit in the last two weeks, the date we had been, dr we had seen, why we went, what dr said, and what medicine was given...he sort of got the picture of my OCDness. He checked campbells ears. Yep! Ear infection!!!! Checked his throat...yep!!! Another throat infection!!! Seriously!!?!!!?! This is not funny!!!!!! He decided not to test for strep because he was already going to give medicine for ears. So, we got another antibiotic...hes now on his third antibiotic in two weeks...and he's on tamiflu (which apparently tastes horrible bc we literally have to hold him down and shove it down his throat). And of course, lots of Motrin and some hydrocodone for nighttime. He is home with us now. He kept crying for me and matt while at my parents so we brought him home. We are just taking of us has Campbell. And one of us keeps Larkin away from him....have I mentioned that this is absolutely the worst timing for matt. This is his super busy working over 80 hours a week busy....and we have sick children...very sick! On top of his hectic work life. I'm really not sure how he's still going. Dr. Bobby Ensminger told us that sleep is for the weak...well, I think I'd like to be weak. ;)
Tonight (Thursday night), Larkin started sounding like she has a rattle. No fever. I'm going to call and try to get all three checked by dr Slusher tomorrow....before the weekend. I'm worried that Larkin has the flu already. I'm not sure what that means since she's only 11 weeks old. We shall see tomorrow. In preparation for going to the dr tomorrow, I typed up a note for each child with when they had been to dr, who they had seen, why, diagnosis, and medicine given...for the last two weeks. it's a little hectic when all three are there together so maybe this will help a little.

Yep. I'm a little OCD. :)
Matt just finished rocking Campbell and giving him more medicine. I just finished feeding Larkin. Its 4am and I'm hoping everyone will sleep until at least 6!
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