Wednesday, February 27, 2013

When your day starts off with...

I should've known that today was going to be rough when I started the day off getting thrown up on. THAT is never a good start to anyone's day.

Lets back up though... to yesterday.

(Cs legs were cold and he wanted a blanket. He found a pullup in the diaper bag to use. Poor baby)
I took Campbell and larkin back to the dr. Campbell had spiked a temp on Monday afternoon to 102.8...after starting an antibiotic on Monday. Larkin was running 101 something.

Both sounded HORRIBLE! Horrible! Wheezing. Just not good. So I took them. When I tell you that both of them were wheezing all morning and we got to the dr and they werent wheeZing when the dr came in, I am not lying. Then, as we walked out to go have chest and sinus X-rays for Campbell, Larkin was wheezing up a storm. It NEVER fails. They make me look like a liar every single time.
So, like I said, we waited at peds (forever!), saw dr....she was baffled by this fever situation...went to X-ray and waited, back to peds (and started the waiting all over...are you seeing the overall theme for my day), and saw the dr. She told us that c does indeed have an sinus infection but chest was clear. We were sent home with nothing new in the way of medicine. I didnt feel like I wasted 2.5 hours of my precious life sucking in germs that I don't care to think about...nope, I don't feel that way at all. (Slight sarcasm).

She did tell us to continue breathing treatments every 3-4 hrs and to call if fever was still present Thursday. And today Campbell still had 101.4 and Larkin still has low grade temp (and she's been on an antibiotic for 7 full days). I would say they are slightly better in the breathing department today considering that I haven't heard any wheezing today. Lots of really tight coughing though!
This is a video from yesterday. And Larkin wasnt even wheezing at this point.

YouTube Video

Larkin even let me rock her to sleep yesterday. Which means she is SICK!

Ok. So on to today. Campbell woke up about an hour before be normally does. Moaning and crying a little. "Hold me. Hold me, mama" So I stumbled back there. Picked him up to rock him. We rocked for about thirty minutes. Every couple of minutes he would moan "I'm sooo tired...hold me, mommy" (which is what I thought I was already doing). I finally sat up and I said "does it hurt when you breathe" and he said "yes". So I picked him up to take him to the den to do our morning breathing treatment. Get in the hallway. I carried him. Facing me. He sat up. Coughed. And threw up all over me. NICE! Glad I hadn't taken a shower yet. Somehow he didnt get a single speck of it on him.
And really that's the highlight of the day.

I was told that I had broken triggers heart (because I made him sit out for hitting his brother at 7am) and (and this is the best part) "you and daddy make me so angry. You and daddy are both so mean". What?!?! Daddy wasn't even at home. What had he done. And what!!????!! Hadnt I fixed your breakfast, laid out your clothes, turned your favorite show this morning. Excuse me for making you sit out (which really wasnt comparable to the crime if you ask me but I was too tired to even think about the havoc if I chose another punishment) when you HIT your sick, feverish, YOUNGER brother for what I am sure was something like 'he looked at you' or 'touched your toy'.

Then, (oh and this actually trumps the throw up Bc I wasn't truly awake enough for the throw up to disgust me that much) in a rush, I got Campbell dressed. Then, are you ready for this, I had the audacity to put shoes on the child. So. That threw him into a full 10 minute meltdown of screaming. And I'm not even exaggerating about the time frame. He screamed while I loaded everyone else in the car AND all the way to trinity. Poor trigger whipped into angel child mode (I guess he had forgotten that I was the horrible mommy from two minutes earlier). "Camel, let me put your shoes on. Which ones do you want". It really was quite remarkable how he can flip a switch and become brother of the year. However, c was past the point of anything working. He was mad at the world. And you know what? I put him in the car. No shoes on. I hope his feet were cold. I know it isn't a big deal if he wore shoes. I honestly didnt care. But I couldn't done without the 10 minute screaming car ride. And so could trigger...who held his fingers in his ears for the entire ride...except when he tried to hold Campbell's hand Bc Campbell kept screaming for me to "hold me" while we were driving down the road. I bet you can guess how that went down when t tried to take cs hand.
Like a lead balloon!
Anyway, we drove up to school. I turn around and asked "Campbell, why are you still crying. You aren't wearing shoes" and he answered "because you made me so sad". Yep. That would be bad mommy x2 and it was only 9am.
I carry c in Bc he doesn't have shoes on. Trigger goes into his class. I get back to my car and mrs Lisa runs out and asked me if I have a jacket for trigger because they were going outside. Ummmm, no I don't. Because in case you weren't informed, I am a horrible mom this morning...and sort of because I was a little out of sorts with the constant screaming in my ear as we were trying to get out the door. So, I went back home. Got him a jacket. Took it back to school. Went to Starbucks and got a well deserved coffee.
So, I waited alot yesterday.
Today, I got lots of flack.
Parenting is not for the faint at heart. Speaking of, my chest has been hurting for the last several days. It does this when I get stressed. These sick children are putting me over the edge.
We are on day 14 and Campbell had 101.4 and Larkin 100.5. Seriously. I think we just all need a steroid shot and call it done!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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