Thursday, February 7, 2013

Christmas at Mamaws

We always go to Mamaws house on Christmas night.  I love that we always know what we are doing for Christmas.  We have had these traditions since I was little.  I love that!  I will NOT lie.  Mamaw’s house with all of our family is OVERWHELMING and quite chaotic.  But, it is a lot of fun and it is always nice to see my cousins and their children.  Trigger, Brannon, and Josiah were all born within 4 months of each other.  And Andrew, Caroline, Campbell, and Reid were all born within 8 months of each other.  AND, Larkin, Abigail, and Jake were all born within 4 months of each other.  Soooo, we have lots of children close together in age which makes for fun play time.

We always eat a huge meal and then open presents…isn’t that always the schedule?

Daniel (kim’s (my cousin) husband) and Matt

IMG_0829Brannon (Cousin Jenny’s middle child) and Trigger and Aunt DeannaIMG_0831Sydney and CampbellIMG_0833Trigger and Josiah…Trigger LOVES playing with him.IMG_0834 COPYLarkin and Aunt Deanna opening presents.IMG_0848Mamaw and SOME of her great grandchildren.IMG_0851IMG_0857IMG_0863This is a picture of Dorothy.  She is my grandmother’s sister…she is the only one left.  My grandmother had three sisters and one brother.  One sister, Betty,  passed away a few years ago and her other sister, Evelyn, passed away right after Christmas.  It makes me so sad for Mamaw.  IMG_0864

Whew…I think that is the end of Christmas.  YAY!

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