Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Things I shouldn’t say…completely inappropriate!

Okay…once again I have lots of random thoughts in my head of things I want to blog and remember. 

The first of which is a completely inappropriate story to be told on my blog on the internet but you know I am not one to hide things (stems from lots of childhood secrets) so here it goes…and maybe you should just keep this little story to yourself since Matt will probably die of humiliation if he knew that I posted this…before I get started I need to explain a couple of things: 1. we have tried our hardest to not make body parts a huge deal.  we call them their real names and they are a normal part of daily conversation..hello?!  I have two boys…and boys are just obsessed with their parts…so they are talked about.  at first I thought this was a wonderful parenting thing on my part because I was doing exactly what dr humphries taught me in our development/early childhood ed classes.  However, now that the boys are more verbal and out in public more, I think I might regret this parenting decision.  For this story, for the sake of blog etiquette,  I will just use the abbreviation for the parts.  (Let it be noted that I am not comfortable with girl part terminology…haven’t decided what to do about that)  2. Campbell is full of it.  he is two…this story just proves that you can’t believe in 3/4 of what he says. 

now that I have completely built it up, here it is:

This conversation happened in my pantry this morning BEFORE we even had milk/breakfast (so way too early):

Campbell: Daddy doesn’t have a P.

Me: Yes he does have one, Campbell

Campbell: No he doesn’t

Trigger:  Yes he does.  Campbell, you can’t drink that gatorade.  That’s daddy’s.  Do you remember.  Daddy had surgery on his P. and he drank that Gatorade.

Seriously…that was the conversation.  I feel like that deserves some type of explanation so you aren’t left with a million questions.  Matt did have a proceedure..snip snip…so that we will not bring any more children into this lovely world…not that we could because if you recall, we have fertility issues…LOL.  (exhibit c- Larkin, proof that that’s not necessarily true).  However, I can assure you that Matt has all parts.  I mean why in the world was that even on my boys minds this morning?!?

IMG_1671(Larkin looks so big in the picture below)IMG_1677



I felt like I should list a few things that I love right now: 

a. my new book, Sparkling Green Earrings…I love it. 

b. matt is in a small group on Friday mornings….they have met together for years (6 yrs maybe). After many bible studies, they decided to start reading through the Bible.  I think most of the wives are doing it too.  I am loving it.  I won’t lie (because that would be horrible to lie about the Bible), I am really behind but I am still loving it.  I will get caught up soon!

c. Trigger’s age-  He is difficult in that he has an attitude and is super independent.  BUT, he is so fun to take places.  He loves to learn.  He is just fun to be around…especially when there are no siblings around to compete with. 

d. Ice cream…not just any ice cream…it’s a new kind by blue bell.  It’s Mint Cookies and Cream.  It is right behind mint choc chip from baskin robbins (which will always be held up on an ice cream pedestal because it is just THAT good). 


IMG_1734IMG_1738IMG_1754IMG_1765(these pictures were taken yesterday after we got home from the dr.  I sent the boys back to change out of their germy clothes while I changed larkin into something more comfortable…Trigger dressed Campbell in his all time favorite outfit.  Sweet big brother)IMG_1782

Our sickness update:  well…I really, really, really, really  wanted trigger to go to school today.  BUT, I quickly realized (before my feet hit the ground this morning) that that would not be my reality today.  His cough sounded awful and I could tell in his eyes that he just didn’t feel good at all.  So, we stayed home.  And don’t feel too sorry for me…even though I have had more than my share of listening to crying children over the last 4-5 days…but, I just took a shower at 1 and put pajamas BACK ON.  Don’t even roll your eyes because lets be honest, you know that everyone loves a good pajama day…in my case, it just happens to be that I have had quite a few of them lately with all this sickness.  If it makes you hate me any less, the pajamas have about 80% snot coverage. 

Trigger also has run low grade temp AGAIN today so no school for him again tomorrow.  This is one hum dinger of a run-of-the-mill-cold-virus.  Day 6 of off and on fever, runny nose, etc.  I’m fairly certain that I heard Campbell wheezing while we were laying in the playroom watching Beauty and the Beast this morning.  sigh

oh and Larkin now has thick snot and is running low grade fever.  however, it is still not in her chest which is a huge praise because that is what we were having a problem with until we started the isolation and pulmacort. 

photo 1

And, because I thought it was blog worthy…here is a picture/text that I sent to matt today…I will not win mother of the year for these last few days…lots of tv…but isn’t that what im supposed to do when my children is sick…keep them well rested by rotting their brains.

photo (7)

Now I have to research some pinterest activities for my boys tomorrow. I am pretty sure they will be needing some kind of organized activity by tomorrow!

1 comment:

jessie said...

PLEASE keep up your current blogging style! you've kept me entertained this week! LOL!