Sunday, February 3, 2013

Saying Goodbye

Okay…I do realize how silly this sounds but I was a little teary eyed to say goodbye to Tinker and Tinsel.  The boys were really sad so it made me sad.  :(  Anyway, the elves left a note explaining their departure.  They said in the letter that Santa had lifted their magic for a few minutes so they could hug and kiss them and tell them goodbye!  So, that’s what we did.  I have never seen such excited children.  They LOVED getting to hold the elves.

Tinker was first…

IMG_0486IMG_0488I really didn’t know what Miss Priss would do with the elves but she grabbed the elf out of our hands and gave him a big hug…just like she does her baby doll.IMG_0491Tinsel was next.IMG_0494IMG_0497IMG_0498

I’m telling you…It makes me a little sad just looking at the pictures.  They LOVED looking for those elves every morning!!!!

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