Thursday, February 21, 2013

It’s raining, it’s pouring

one kid down

another kid down

and now, the last one is DOWN for the count.

this is the most confusing illness/virus/whatever-you-want-to-call-it.  it’s like we see a ray of sunshine and think we are in the clear, make it past the 24 hour mark and BAM, fever.  Trigger had 101.2 temp today after just having 100.5 yesterday.  AND, baby girl has now gone from snotty to full blown sick.  cough and fever of 101.7.  it really is just too much.  I need a break.  a huge break.  I have been dealing with these offspring for 7 days…7 irritable days.  and I have to clarify that Trigger (though I love him dearly) is the worst sick child ever.  grumpy. like I hate to admit what I said yesterday to my husband, but I am going to tell you.  Trigger started running low grade fever…he was laying around and looked pitiful.  I gave him some motrin and within the next hour, he came alive.  felt just good enough to do something but didn’t feel like playing.  instead, he used his energy to irritate the daylights out of his siblings (yes, this is normal but he took it to a whole new level) and yell at me.  So, I made the comment to matt on the phone that I sort of wished that I had just let the low grade fever ride and skipped the dose of motrin.  APARENTLY, I did not learn my lesson because it was a case of rinse and repeat today….except with a little higher fever.  If I get yelled at one more time because I wont give him chocolate, I am going to pull a kevin leaman on him and send him out to the back patio for a little while.  Like we usually sit around all day and eat chocolate?!?!  I will survive but I must say…this is NOT worth me getting to have a week of being in my pajamas. No, thank you…I think Id rather be dressed in hose, spanx, and a dress with heels. 

Matt did come home yesterday and asked me if the boys had watched tv all day…and I replied “YES” with a look on my face that clearly said “you better not utter another thing about it, mister, or you are staying home tomorrow”…no, not really…I didn’t give him a look. 

photo 3


Last week, I got an email informing me that zulily would be selling toms the next wednesday (which was yesterday).  I was super excited.  We have only owned one pair…but they haven’t even been worn because my parents bought them for Larkin to wear this summer.  I knew these would be a big seller so I set a reminder on my zulily app.  when it came up yesterday morning, I got all stressed out…my palms got a little sweaty.  I know that’s ridiculous but that’s the sort of thing that sends me into a tailspin.  not world peace, nope…it’s a discounted pair of shoes that will do it every time!  Once I got onto to the app, it kept crashing.  I finally got to see what they had….and in true Garson fashion, I could make a decision.  I have to be the most indecisive person ever.  I measured the boys feet to see what size to order them.  I bought the boys gray toms to match.  size 9 for campbell.  I can’t remember what size I got for trigger.  well, after I had paid.  I started thinking that 9s sounded rather large.  I KNEW that campbell was still wearing two pair of tennis shoes…one that is a 6.5 and one that is a 7 (new balance…which runs small).  I can’t remember what any of his other shoes are but I knew those were his tennis shoe sizes.  so I measured his foot again and sure enough, I had gotten confused somehow.  he only need a size 7.5 for toms.  how in the world I thought it was 9s, I have no clue.  anyway, I placed another order…thinking that I will just save the 9s until he grows into them.  im sure that was a completely exhilarating story, wasn’t it.   and, the story doesn’t stop there.  I had gone back and forth about if I should order some for Larkin but again, didn’t know what size.  I have the size 4s that my parents bought.  I tried them on and they were HUMONGOUS.  since I couldn’t decide, I just didn’t order her any.  placed two orders to get the boys correct ones…then I decided that Larkin really HAD TO HAVE some.  so, I placed a third order for larkin a pair of red toms….because don’t all little girls need an extra pair of red shoes?  and just a little FYI, if you place an order at zulily, all other orders that are placed that day, are free shipping.  see!  I learned something by placing three orders!

btw, you can still get on there and order fact, I think they have added more styles today. 

this picture has nothing to do with the above story…but I did think it was funny.  larkin is very familiar with breathing treatments…she even plays with the machine like it’s a toy. 

photo 1

Yesterday when I went to check the mail, I was so excited when I had a box.  Matt makes fun of me for getting packages in the mail so often…im really not sure if that is the right way to put it…he’s not really poking fun.  he tries to make it out as poking fun but in truth, I think it’s his way at saying “are you really getting something else in the mail today?”  My boys think that the mailman is the greatest man in the world because he just brings all of these clothes and shoes and puts them in our mailbox.  they have no clue.  I wish the mailman did that…wouldn’t that be awesome…unless you had a very unstylish mailman, then that wouldn’t be very good.  Anyway, I had been looking forward to this package since october when I placed the order.  I had seen that this company hand makes dolls…you costume order your doll and they add a patch that has whatever you want on it.  I knew from the moment I found out that we were having a girl that I wanted Larkin to have one.  Well, I finally got around to ordering it in october, thinking that I could give it to Larkin for Christmas.  Christmas came and went and no doll.  Then I thought, I’ll give it to her birthday.  that came and went to.  When it came yesterday, I thought that I should probably put it up and let the Easter bunny bring it but I just couldn’t do it.  I gave it to her.  She has mixed feelings about it which is totally fine with me…it’s about to be my doll bc I love it!  I will sleep with it! ha!


photo 4Last night, I was flying around trying to clean up before matt got home…to cover up that we had been in our pjs and watching tv all day. :) Campbell said “mommy, will you come lay with me…please come sit with me”.  I had one more thing that I had to put up…he sat in that chair and waited so patiently.  I sat down and he put his arm around me and said “I think we should take a picture”.  And, then I felt like my halo got brighter…I MUST be doing an awesome job because he wants to cuddle and willingly take pictures.  Wow, I must be doing something right.  And I think about a second or two later, I was yelled at for something and he was mad and the moment was over and he really didn’t want to speak to anyone for the rest of the night.  But, for a moment, I felt good about my parenting.  photo 2

Have a great Thursday…I must go figure out what we will be eating for supper.  I don’t think we can eat cereal another night. 

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