Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Picky eater; under the weather

So a couple of days ago, As I was attempting to feed her some baby food (which she hates but I feel like its my motherly duty to get fruits and Veges down her throat and she will have nothing to do with the real baby food it is), Larkin kept grabbing the jar and bringing it to her mouth and trying to drink it. So, I let her. She drank about 3/4 a jar. When I tell you that is shocking , that is shocking. I think she has only eaten a whole jar of baby food in one sitting about a dozen times. And we try every time we sit down. Sooo, this was a huge break through.

Because of this, I decided to buy some of those baby food pouches. My boys ate baby food but neither would touch the pouches. I sat down and put it to her mouth. She devoured it in seconds. Seriously. Seconds. My mouth was almost on the floor. Shocked!!!!! And she has done that lunch and supper yesterday and today. I hope it continues.

The boys are still a little under the weather. I was kind of glad that we didnt have school yesterday for trigger so that I didnt have to make the choice about whether he should go. Around mid afternoon, he started complaining of his throat. I went ahead and called to make an appt with dr Slusher for both boys.
I kept them both home today until we saw Slusher. There were lots of tears today. And lots of cuddling. And "I wan you to holl me". "I want to play with your hairrrr" bless his heart.

I knew with 99% certainty what dr slusher was going to say. I just knew it. But the boys were both coughing and I didnt want to send them to school until we got an all clear.

So we waited and waited. Like get our diagnosis of "virus". Absolutely no shock! We went and got icees because isn't that what you always do after a doctors appointment?!
On our way home, trigger and Campbell were telling a story about poppys truck and arguing over whether something was poppys or uncle Seth's. out of the blue, I hear Larkin saying "pa-pai". Yep. She can say poppy. She still doesn't even say "mama". Of course I called my parents immediately. Liz was a little upset and blamed the whole thing on me Bc I'm obviously not talking about her enough. ;)

YouTube Video

And the boys got an all clear to go back to school tomorrow. We've been fever free for over 24 hrs so unless something happens between now and then, trigger is going (c doesn't go on Wednesdays or I'd send him too). Mama needs a break...even if i still have 2, it's a break!
I'm off to dreamland. My husband is sound asleep. He is TIRED. Workin too many hours. I know he is already worn down.


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