Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Woodard Family Christmas

We also celebrate Christmas with the Woodards on December 24th.  We meet over there around 430/5 and eat supper, visit and open presents. 

Look how precious these cousins are.  Trigger, Corbin, and Anna Grace.IMG_0594Cheslea and CampbellIMG_0596IMG_0599Passing out presentsIMG_0600LOVE this picture…look at those bottoms up in the air trying to dig presents out.IMG_0604Campbell helping Papaw open presents.IMG_0607IMG_0609Larkin got this cute doll with a magnetic paci!IMG_0612IMG_0625Matt’s mom did the neatest thing.  They always give us money. This year, she wrapped up a box of kleenex.  In between each tissue, there was a dollar bill.  It mustve taken her forever because all of the tissue was folded back nice and neat just like it came.  IMG_0627IMG_0628IMG_0639IMG_0642IMG_0647IMG_0651The grandchildrenIMG_0660the grandkids plus papaw and grammyIMG_0663And, us! Matt was festive with his astros tshirt, wasn’t he?!?IMG_0666

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