Friday, February 8, 2013

New Years Day

We ate lunch at Matt’s parents house.  We had the tradition new years day food…we should be filled with health, wealth, and wisdom.  One can hope…and pray! IMG_0935 - CopySweet Anna Grace with my boys!IMG_0938 - CopyThen, that night, we went to shoot fireworks at the Hogans.  Our families LOVE to spend time with the Hogans!  LOVE!!!!  IMG_0939 - CopyNolan and Trigger…Nolan reminds me so much of Trigger…I guess it is the first born thing….and the double crown that they both have! IMG_0941 - CopyAnd Campbell, once again, wasn’t fond of the fireworks.IMG_0945 - CopyIMG_0955 - CopyAmy and “hawwee” (Hallie)IMG_0954 - CopyThe boys…IMG_0959 - CopyIMG_0960 - CopyIMG_0962 - CopyThe girls…Love these girls…I hope they grow up to be great friends!IMG_0964

1 comment:

Amy Hogan said...

You got a lot more pictures than I did. Fun times and sweet precious children!