Monday, February 25, 2013

Highlights...or lowlights

-Campbell hit Larkin with a toy and busted her lip.

-Larkin carried around a cup ALL DAY LONG while walking. Literally just making laps around the house. She sort of looks like a little old lady. Stumbling around. Touching a wall every now and then to get her balance. Precious!!!

- we had breathing treatments for both c and l every three hours because both are wheezing up a storm.
-Campbell started running fever around 10am. I mean, why not. He's just been sick for TWELVE days. Not that I'm counting. Actually, yes I am!!! I am counting. Because I am TIRED of my people being sick! We are headed back to green clinic tomorrow.

-I got all three of my children down for a nap. I'm not sure the last time all three have been in bed at the same time for naps. T wasn't asleep but he was resting. Then, I got a call from Matt to "seek shelter". Seriously?!?! Do we have to seek shelter? My children are all being quiet/sleeping in their rooms. Clearly, the weather did not realized how much laundry I had been neglecting and needed to fold! I figured my children's safety was little more important. But I wasn't happy about this decision. Woke them all up and got in our safe room.
-at one point, I did realize that we had a electrical plug in there. The iPad wasn't cutting it and my phone was about to die. So I made a run for it to get the laptop, DVDs and my charger. I MIGHT have told trigger (who is FOUR) "trigger, I'll be right back. Y'all stay in here. Do NOT let your sister eat anything unless its a goldfish." So I left them in there to get the "essentials" when the storm was at its worst. Thankfully, nothing bad happened and we got to come out of shelter a little while later.
-don't my children look like they are roughing it in "shelter".

- tonight when I put trigger down. He cupped my face and said "I love you mommy. You are beautiful." I said "thank you trigger. You are so sweet". He didnt stop there "even if you wear green pants and a green shirt ad green underwear, I will still think you are beautiful". Lol! Love him. Even though he can be sooooo difficult, he can also be incredibly sweet.

-i forgot to post that at supper on Sunday night, Campbell said "mommy, your hair is gray." I said "what?!?! No it is not!" He looked a little confused at why I reacted that way. Then he said "no. It's not gray. It's white!"
Maybe i should take a better look at my hair. Or do some color games with Campbell! :)
-on a completely different subject, I turned on a netflix movie while I folded clothes tonight. I think it was called "the fifth quarter". I wasn't even intending on paying much attention to it. Oh my goodness. Don't even watch. Or do watch it. But only if you want to cry your eyes out because it was sad. Very sad. In fact, it's one of those that leaves you with a pit in your stomach feeling like its happened to you. I'm glad I watched it. Makes me even more thankful for my punkish behaving children.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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