Wednesday, February 6, 2013

THE Night Before Christmas

Our Night before Christmas traditions are (and this is after a VERY LONG DAY of two Christmas celebrations so we have to be brief):

1. Put out carrots for the reindeer.IMG_06742. Put out reindeer food (that they usually make at school)IMG_0684IMG_06883. Put out Santa’s milk and CookiesIMG_0689IMG_06934. Read The Night Before Christmas.  Do you see Larkin?  She sooo likes to be in charge of the book when you are trying to read.  ;)  OH and this was a new book because…I couldn’t find my copy of The Night Before Christmas from my childhood…this happens every year…and every year I find it right after Christmas and say to myself and to matt, “I am going to put it ______ so we will be able to find it next year.”  Yep, and EVERY SINGLE YEAR, it is no where to be found.  sigh!  This year is a little different though because it is February and I still haven’t come across it.  That’s a little scary because last year at this time, we had just moved into our new house addition AND just had a newborn so there really is NO telling where it is now!IMG_0697

5. OFF to BED and FAST asleep so that Santa can come.

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