Sunday, February 24, 2013

Battle of the wills

Well. The title says it all. We are having a major battle of wills over here. I'm a afraid that our precious first born got a double dose of stubbornness from his momma and daddy. Combine that with major independence (true first born) and you have a very sticky parenting situation. I kid but its really been a tough couple of weeks. Sickness. Behavior. I'm on the verge of throwing my hands up and waving the white flag. But I can't. Because my two babies are still really sick. Wheezing. Low grade fever. I'm trying to not be THAT mom but its hard when you lay your 2 year old down to change his pull-up and he says "I can't breathe".
We have been using lots of albuterol.
Our day:
Matt went to church and I stayed home with the sickly little children..well, 2 are sick. One was just irritable.
Larkin walked everywhere. She's now walking across rooms. And she's always carrying something. Today, she carried around the ciprodex for over half of her waking hours. I kid you not!!! Might I mention that that medicine is around 120 dollars for that little bottle. But, my baby is sick. She gets what she wants. Aw, who am I kidding. She pretty much always gets what she wants.

Walking. Walking. Walking.
I finally had a girl and she choses to play with boy toys and steals the boys cups.

Breathing treatments...Because I have two wheezy children who can't seem to fight off chest congestion without albuterol.

Lots of temperature taking. Now I am weird in that I hate HATE ear thermometers. HATE. We are rectal temp people. No. Not for me and Matt. Yuck. But for our kids, yes. However, trigger is past the point of doing that without it being a little creepy. So we opt for the ear. I know it's never accurate. And I cram that thing down in their ears. NOT accurate!

More breathing treatments and a tad bit of cuddle time. I just realized how strange this pic is. I don't know the last time Matt and I have sat on this couch together. We never use our couch. It could be because its old, ugly and highly uncomfortable!!!! We desperately need new den furniture but we are trying to hold out a little longer. Want to know why? We will use tonight as an example. Trigger wiped his nose on our chair. Then Campbell teeteed all over the chair almost immediately afterwards. I feel like we might just have to burn it when we are done. Yuck.

After we got the kids down, I made it back to my closet to finish up some things I have been working on. When I tell you that I don't have time to do this, I do NOT have time. I think I have about 8 loads of laundry to fold and more to wash. We are at the point where we have to walk ACROSS the house to get a towel...Its really getting serious over here. Did that just sound a little first world struggle to you?! Ha!
Anyway, I shucked my responsibilities. And finished making larkins dress. I made the boys these appliqué shirts about a month ago. It had been bothering me that Larkin wouldn't match! Why? I don't know. Maybe because I'm materialistic. I don't know why. I just like for my three to match when they can. I really don't have much longer with trigger. He's so tall that he's on the brink of looking ridiculous in shirts like these. I LOVE how the dress turned out. Super easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's it. It's been really boring day...well, boring in that there haven't been any good blog material going on today...unless you consider constantly battling your child over. EVERY. SINGLE. THING! If you like that sort of thing, come on over, you should be highly entertained!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

jessie said...

ditch the ear temp taker. go with the mouth. been using a mouth one on o for a good year now. i also HATED the ear temps!